
该函数将做的是对每个属性调用 ToString 方法,并查看它是否包含该特定属性的搜索值。问题是,如果是Null的话。如果我尝试合并它会引发InvalidOperationException: Coalesce used with type that cannot be null异常。


public class SomeObject
  public int IntValue { get; set; }
  public string StringValue { get; set; }


using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Linq.Expressions;

class Program
  static void Main(string[] args)
    //Generate data
    var list = (new List<SomeObject>
      new SomeObject { IntValue = 5, StringValue = "abc" },
      new SomeObject { IntValue = 10, StringValue = "abc" },
      new SomeObject { IntValue = 10 },
      new SomeObject { StringValue = "xyz" },
      new SomeObject()

    var searchValues = new List<KeyValuePair<string, string>>
      new KeyValuePair<string, string>("IntValue", "5"),
      new KeyValuePair<string, string>("StringValue", "abc")

    var whereExp = GenerateSearchExpression<SomeObject>(searchValues);
    var asdf = list.Where(whereExp).ToList();


  static Expression<Func<SomeObject, bool>> GenerateSearchExpression<dataType>(List<KeyValuePair<string, string>> values)
    //Get the properties of the data type
    var objectType = typeof(dataType);
    var objProps = objectType.GetProperties();

    Expression whereExpr = Expression.Constant(true);
    var paramExpr = Expression.Parameter(typeof(SomeObject), "val");

    //Cycle through each property
    foreach (var searchValue in values)
      var propExpr = Expression.Property(paramExpr, searchValue.Key);
      var emptyString = Expression.Constant("");

      //InvalidOperationException: Coalesce used with type that cannot be null
      var coalesceExpr = Expression.Coalesce(propExpr, emptyString);

      var toStringExpr = Expression.Call(coalesceExpr, "ToString", new Type[0]);
      var toLowerExpr = Expression.Call(toStringExpr, "ToLower", new Type[0]);
      var containExpr = Expression.Call(toLowerExpr, typeof(string).GetMethod("Contains"), Expression.Constant(searchValue.Value));

      //Add this to the exisiting where expression.
      whereExpr = Expression.And(whereExpr, containExpr);

    var foobar = Expression.Lambda<Func<SomeObject, bool>>(whereExpr, paramExpr);

    return foobar;



1 回答 1




  static Expression<Func<SomeObject, bool>> GenerateSearchExpression<dataType>(List<KeyValuePair<string, string>> values)
    //Get the properties of the data type
    var objectType = typeof(dataType);
    var objProps = objectType.GetProperties();

    Expression whereExpr = Expression.Constant(true);
    var paramExpr = Expression.Parameter(typeof(SomeObject), "val");

    MethodCallExpression toStringExpr;
    foreach (var searchValue in values)
      var propExpr = Expression.Property(paramExpr, searchValue.Key);

      if (propExpr.Type.IsValueType == true)
        toStringExpr = Expression.Call(propExpr, "ToString", new Type[0]);
        var emptyString = Expression.Constant("");
        var coalesceExpr = Expression.Coalesce(propExpr, emptyString);
        toStringExpr = Expression.Call(coalesceExpr, "ToString", new Type[0]);            

      var toLowerExpr = Expression.Call(toStringExpr, "ToLower", new Type[0]);
      var containExpr = Expression.Call(toLowerExpr, typeof(string).GetMethod("Contains"), Expression.Constant(searchValue.Value));         

      //Add this to the exisiting where expression.
      whereExpr = Expression.And(whereExpr, containExpr);

    var foobar = Expression.Lambda<Func<SomeObject, bool>>(whereExpr, paramExpr);

    return foobar;
于 2013-03-29T15:52:18.570 回答