我创建了将 Excel 表转换为多个插入命令的函数。
将此复制到模块中,然后在公式中,将需要插入的单元格的值设置为第一个参数,第二个范围应该是列的名称(按 F4 将其设置为常量),第三个(可选)表的名称。如果未指定表名,则默认使用工作表名称。
| | A | B | C | D | E |
| 1 | COL1 | COL2 | COL3 | COL4 | |
| 2 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | =Insert2DB(A2:D2,$A$1:$D$1,"TableName") |
| 3 | 2 | 5 | 8 | 10 | =Insert2DB(A3:D3,$A$1:$D$1,"TableName") |
INSERT INTO TableName ([COL1],[COL2],[COL3],[COL4]) VALUES (1,2,3,4)
INSERT INTO TableName ([COL1],[COL2],[COL3],[COL4]) VALUES (2,5,8,10)
这是函数(适用于 Microsoft SQL(TSQL):
Function Insert2DB(InputRange As Range, Optional ColumnsNames As Variant, Optional TableName As Variant)
Dim rangeCell As Range
Dim InsertValues As String
Dim CellValue As String
Dim C As Range
Dim AllColls As String
Dim SingleCell As Range
Dim TableColls As String
InsertValues = ""
'Start Loop
For Each rangeCell In InputRange.Cells
'Recognize data type
Set C = rangeCell
If IsEmpty(C) Then
'DataType is NULL then NULL
CellValue = "NULL"
ElseIf Application.IsText(C) Then
'DataType is VARCHAR or CHAR
CellValue = "'" & Trim(rangeCell.Value) & "'"
ElseIf Application.IsLogical(C) Then
'DataType is bit eg. TRUE / FALSE
If rangeCell.Value = True Then
CellValue = "1"
ElseIf rangeCell.Value = False Then
CellValue = "0"
End If
ElseIf Application.IsErr(C) Then
'If there is an ERROR in cell, the statment will return 0
CellValue = "NULL"
ElseIf IsDate(C) Then
'DataType is DATE or DATETIME, in case it is DATE specifying HH:mm:ss would do no harm
CellValue = "'" & VBA.Format(rangeCell.Value, "yyyymmdd hh:mm:ss") & "'"
ElseIf InStr(1, C.Text, ":") <> 0 Then
'DataType is TIME
CellValue = "'" & VBA.Format(rangeCell.Value, "hh:mm:ss") & "'"
ElseIf IsNumeric(C) Then
'DataType is number
CellValue = rangeCell.Value
End If
If (Len(InsertValues) > 0) Then
InsertValues = InsertValues + "," + CellValue
InsertValues = CellValue
End If
Next rangeCell
'END Loop
If IsMissing(ColumnsNames) Then
TableColls = ""
For Each SingleCell In ColumnsNames.Cells
If Len(AllColls) > 0 Then
AllColls = AllColls + "," + "[" + Trim(Replace(SingleCell.Value, Chr(160), "")) + "]"
AllColls = "[" + Trim(Replace(SingleCell.Value, Chr(160), "")) + "]"
End If
Next SingleCell
TableColls = " (" & AllColls & ")"
End If
'If TableName is not set, then take the name of a sheet
If IsMissing(TableName) = True Then
TableName = ActiveSheet.Name
TableName = TableName
End If
'Set the return value
Insert2DB = "INSERT INTO " & TableName & TableColls & " VALUES (" & InsertValues & ")"
End Function
如果你有很多数据要插入,你可能不需要在每个命令中使用 INSERT INTO,然后只需在第一行(每 500 行)使用 Insert2DB 函数,其余只使用 Insert2DBValues:
| | A | B | C | D | E |
| 1 | COL1 | COL2 | COL3 | COL4 | |
| 2 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | =Insert2DB(B3:E3,$B$2:$E$2,"TableName") |
| 3 | 2 | 5 | 8 | 10 | =Insert2DBValues(A3:D3,$A$1:$D$1,"TableName") |
INSERT INTO TableName ([COL1],[COL2],[COL3],[COL4]) VALUES (1,2,3,4)
Function Insert2DBValues(InputRange As Range, Optional ColumnsNames As Variant, Optional TableName As Variant)
Dim rangeCell As Range
Dim InsertValues As String
Dim CellValue As String
Dim C As Range
Dim AllColls As String
Dim SingleCell As Range
Dim TableColls As String
InsertValues = ""
'Start Loop
For Each rangeCell In InputRange.Cells
'Recognize data type
Set C = rangeCell
If IsEmpty(C) Then
'DataType is NULL then NULL
CellValue = "NULL"
ElseIf Application.IsText(C) Then
'DataType is VARCHAR or CHAR
CellValue = "'" & Trim(rangeCell.Value) & "'"
ElseIf Application.IsLogical(C) Then
'DataType is bit eg. TRUE / FALSE
If rangeCell.Value = True Then
CellValue = "1"
ElseIf rangeCell.Value = False Then
CellValue = "0"
End If
ElseIf Application.IsErr(C) Then
'If there is an ERROR in cell, the statment will return 0
CellValue = "NULL"
ElseIf IsDate(C) Then
'DataType is DATE or DATETIME, in case it is DATE specifying HH:mm:ss would do no harm
CellValue = "'" & VBA.Format(rangeCell.Value, "yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss") & "'"
ElseIf InStr(1, C.Text, ":") <> 0 Then
'DataType is TIME
CellValue = "'" & VBA.Format(rangeCell.Value, "hh:mm:ss") & "'"
ElseIf IsNumeric(C) Then
'DataType is number
CellValue = rangeCell.Value
End If
If (Len(InsertValues) > 0) Then
InsertValues = InsertValues + "," + CellValue
InsertValues = CellValue
End If
Next rangeCell
'END Loop
If IsMissing(ColumnsNames) Then
TableColls = ""
For Each SingleCell In ColumnsNames.Cells
If Len(AllColls) > 0 Then
AllColls = AllColls + "," + "[" + Trim(Replace(SingleCell.Value, Chr(160), "")) + "]"
AllColls = "[" + Trim(Replace(SingleCell.Value, Chr(160), "")) + "]"
End If
Next SingleCell
TableColls = " (" & AllColls & ")"
End If
'If TableName is not set, then take the name of a sheet
If IsMissing(TableName) = True Then
TableName = ActiveSheet.Name
TableName = TableName
End If
'Set the return value
Insert2DBValues = ",(" & InsertValues & ")"
End Function
最后,如果您使用的是 MySQL,则字符串的转义会有所不同,因此在这种情况下使用 Insert2DBMySQL:
Function Insert2DBMySQL(InputRange As Range, Optional ColumnsNames As Variant, Optional TableName As Variant)
Dim rangeCell As Range
Dim InsertValues As String
Dim CellValue As String
Dim C As Range
Dim AllColls As String
Dim SingleCell As Range
Dim TableColls As String
InsertValues = ""
'Start Loop
For Each rangeCell In InputRange.Cells
'Recognize data type
Set C = rangeCell
If IsEmpty(C) Then
'DataType is NULL then NULL
CellValue = "NULL"
ElseIf Application.IsText(C) Then
'DataType is VARCHAR or CHAR
CellValue = "'" & Trim(rangeCell.Value) & "'"
ElseIf Application.IsLogical(C) Then
'DataType is bit eg. TRUE / FALSE
If rangeCell.Value = True Then
CellValue = "1"
ElseIf rangeCell.Value = False Then
CellValue = "0"
End If
ElseIf Application.IsErr(C) Then
'If there is an ERROR in cell, the statment will return 0
CellValue = "NULL"
ElseIf IsDate(C) Then
'DataType is DATE or DATETIME, in case it is DATE specifying HH:mm:ss would do no harm
CellValue = "'" & VBA.Format(rangeCell.Value, "yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss") & "'"
ElseIf InStr(1, C.Text, ":") <> 0 Then
'DataType is TIME
CellValue = "'" & VBA.Format(rangeCell.Value, "hh:mm:ss") & "'"
ElseIf IsNumeric(C) Then
'DataType is number
CellValue = rangeCell.Value
End If
If (Len(InsertValues) > 0) Then
InsertValues = InsertValues + "," + CellValue
InsertValues = CellValue
End If
Next rangeCell
'END Loop
If IsMissing(ColumnsNames) Then
TableColls = ""
For Each SingleCell In ColumnsNames.Cells
If Len(AllColls) > 0 Then
AllColls = AllColls + "," + "" + Trim(Replace(SingleCell.Value, Chr(160), "")) + ""
AllColls = "" + Trim(Replace(SingleCell.Value, Chr(160), "")) + ""
End If
Next SingleCell
TableColls = " (" & AllColls & ")"
End If
'If TableName is not set, then take the name of a sheet
If IsMissing(TableName) = True Then
TableName = ActiveSheet.Name
TableName = TableName
End If
'Set the return value
Insert2DBMySQL = "INSERT INTO " & TableName & TableColls & " VALUES (" & InsertValues & ");"
End Function