
var men = 50;
alert("You are a Spartan warrior about to be fighting in the Trojan War, you get onto             your ship and set sail with a fleet of other ships but your ship breaks away from the others in a horrible storm! You have 50 men on your ship, do not lose more than 40 of them, or else.");
var start = confirm("are you ready to start?");
if (start = true) {
   alert("your platoon of Spartan soldiers is on a ship, headed for Troy");
else {
   alert("You failed in your mission and are executed in Sparta the next day (refresh the page)")
var hydra  = prompt("you encounter a large hydra on your journey to Troy, do you sail past it, or fight it?(fight or flee?)");
if (hydra = "fight") {
   alert("You kill the Hydra, but it has killed 8 of your men");
else {
   alert("You go around the Hydra, but it snatches up 6 of your men and starts to follow your ship!");
if (hydra = "fight") {
   men = 42
else {
   men = 44; 

3 回答 3


第一件事(不是语法错误,但无论如何都是错误的):比较 using==而不是=.

您的语法错误是您在;if 块之后使用 - 删除那些。

于 2013-03-29T12:48:57.677 回答


于 2013-03-29T12:48:45.913 回答

替换 if (start = true)if (start == true)。但};应该只是}

于 2013-03-29T12:48:29.367 回答