是否可以绕过“另存为”对话框保存任何类型的文件?使用 WebBrowser 类
WebBrowser 控件中加载的内容是否可序列化,以便可以保存和检索(用于重新显示)?
是否可以绕过“另存为”对话框保存任何类型的文件?使用 WebBrowser 类
WebBrowser 控件中加载的内容是否可序列化,以便可以保存和检索(用于重新显示)?
Given that you have full access to the DOM and can therefore read any contents that the WebBrowser is displaying the answer must be yes.
However if you just wish to download a webpage and save it to disk there are better ways then using the WebBrowser control, have a look at the WebClient class
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