The question is in the title. Now to make the term self-product more clear. Self-product means the product of the number and its digits. Example:

Self-Product(1234) = 1234*1*2*3*4 = 29616.

I've tried two methods.


Anyone's idea would be to check all combinations between 1 and N (upper bound of the range). And check if the number's self-product is within the range. This would be ideal for relativly low numbers, but having in mind that the range can be big as 10^20, it's becoming a problem, because it'll take a while before it prints the result.


Another idea is to factorize the number within the range. If the range is between 60 000 and 70 000, when I check for 62 688, I'll get 62 688 as 2*2*2*2*2*3*653. Now knowing that 653 can't be a digit, that means that it have to be in the original number. Then again I have to combine all factors of 62 688 to get the right answer and it should output that this one is Self-Product of 2612, beacuse 62 688 = 2612 * 2 * 6 * 1 * 2.

In both situation I face a big problem, which is checking all of the combinations.

P.S I found that if number has n-digit then if it's self-product of some number than that number would have at least n/2 digits and no more than n. This would make the list of numbers that I will need to check a little bit smaller, but it doesn't solve the problem.


2 回答 2



sp(x) = Self-Product(x) = y
Range = a to b



基本思想 - 将x' 拆分为具有某些数字前缀和一定数量的数字,并确定某些数字 + 前缀是否在范围内,或者完全(添加可能性的数量,易于计算),部分(检查更长的前缀)或根本不检查(继续)。

请注意,x不允许任何包含 0 的数字,因为 then y= 0。


min(c,d) - 最小值为 c 位,前缀为 d(min(c,)表示无前缀)
max(c,d)- 最大值为 c 位,前缀为 d
range(c,d)- 范围从min(c,d)max(c,d)

请注意,min(x,) = min(x,1) < min(x,2) < min(x,3) < ...
max(x,) = max(x,9) > max(x,8) > max(x,7) > ...

min(c,d..e)- 一组带有 c 位的最小值和从 d 到 e 的任何前缀
max(c,d..e)- 一组带有 c 位的最大值和从 d 到 e 的任何前缀


我将使用 Range = 100 到 200 的示例进行解释。

// check 1 digit
min(1,): x = 1, y = 1*1 = 1 < 100
max(1,): x = 9, y = 9*9 = 81 < 100
  // not in range, nothing to do

// check 2 digits
min(2,): x = 11, y = 11*1*1 = 11 < 100
max(2,): x = 99, y = 99*9*9 = 8019 > 200
  // partially in range, check longer prefix
  min(2,1): x = 11, y = 11*1*1 = 11 < 100
  max(2,1): x = 19, y = 19*1*9 = 171 > 100
    // partially in range, check longer prefix
    sp(11..16) <= sp(16) = 96 < 100
    sp(17) = 119 // in range - increment count
    sp(18) = 144 // in range - increment count
    sp(19) = 171 // in range - increment count
  min(2,2): x = 21, y = 21*2*1 = 42 < 100
  max(2,2): x = 29, y = 29*2*9 = 522 > 200
    // partially in range, check longer prefix
    // others outside of range, omitted for brevity
    sp(23) = 138 // in range - increment count
    sp(24) = 192 // in range - increment count
  min(2,3): x = 31, y = 31*3*1 = 93 < 100
  max(2,3): x = 39, y = 39*3*9 = 1053 > 200
    // partially in range, check longer prefix
    // others outside of range, omitted for brevity
    sp(32) = 192 // in range - increment count
  min(2,4): x = 41, y = 41*4*1 = 164 < 200
  max(2,4): x = 49, y = 49*4*9 = 1764 > 200
    // partially in range, check longer prefix
    // others outside of range, omitted for brevity
    sp(41) = 164 // in range - increment count
  min(2,5): x = 51, y = 51*5*1 = 255 > 200
    // not in range, nothing to do
  // no need to process (2,6..9), since these are all > min(2,5) > 200

// check 3 digits
min(3,): x = 111, y = 111*1*1*1 = 111 < 200
max(3,): x = 999, y = 999*9*9*9 = 728271 > 200
  // partially in range, check longer prefix
  min(3,1): x = 111, y = 111*1*1*1 = 111 < 200
  max(3,1): x = 199, y = 199*1*9*9 = 16119 > 200
    // partially in range, check longer prefix
    min(3,11): x = 111, y = 111*1*1*1 = 111 < 200
    max(3,11): x = 119, y = 119*1*1*9 = 1071 > 200
      // partially in range, check longer prefix
      // others outside of range, omitted for brevity
      sp(111) = 111 // in range - increment count
    min(3,12): x = 121, y = 121*1*2*1 = 242 > 200
      // not in range, nothing to do
    // no need to process (3,13..19), since these are all > min(3,12) > 200
  min(3,2): x = 211, y = 211*2*1*1 = 411 > 200
    // not in range, nothing to do
  // no need to process (3,3..9), since these are all > min(3,2) > 200

// check 4 digits
min(4,): x = 1111, y = 1111*1*1*1 = 1111 > 200
  // not in range, nothing to do
// no need to check more digits, since min(n,) > min(n-1,) and min(4,) > 200

因此,总数为 8 个自产品,结果范围为 100 到 200。


只是为了说明一些事情,如果范围是 1-200,那么前缀为 1 的 2 位数字的范围将是 [11,171] 如上所述,并且 1 <= 11 <= 171 <= 200,所以我们可以只包括前缀为 1 的所有 2 位数字,共有 9 个。


我写了一个带有基本实现的小 Java 程序。对于 60000 到 100000000000 来说,对于更大的数字(甚至在这个范围内),它需要不到一秒的时间,因为实现,会有算术溢出,所以所花费的时间不能真正被信任(除了,我希望它应该只需要更长的时间(对于这个范围),而不是更短)。

final static long[] tenPowers = {1, 10, 100, 1000, 10000, 100000, 1000000,
  10000000, 100000000, 1000000000, 10000000000l, 100000000000l,
  1000000000000l, 10000000000000l, 100000000000000l, 1000000000000000l,
  10000000000000000l, 100000000000000000l, 1000000000000000000l};

public static void main(String args[]) throws InterruptedException
  System.out.println("Count = "+selfProductCountRange(60000, 100000000000l));

static long selfProductCountRange(long s, long f)
  start = s;
  finish = f;
  long count = 0;
  for (len = 1; ; len++)
     long temp = selfProductCount(0, 0);
     if (temp == -1)
     count += temp;
  return count;

static long selfProduct(long num)
  // pretend 0s are 1s for simplicity in the rest of the code
  long selfProduct = num;
  while (num > 0)
     selfProduct *= Math.max(num % 10, 1);
     num /= 10;
  return selfProduct;

static long start, finish;
static int len;

static long selfProductCount(long prefix, int prefixLen)
  long max = selfProduct((prefix+1) * tenPowers[len - prefixLen] - 1);
  // overflow hack
  if (max < 0)
     max = finish+1;
  if (max < start)
     return 0;
  long min;
  if (prefixLen != 0)
     min = selfProduct(prefix * tenPowers[len - prefixLen]);
     min = selfProduct(tenPowers[len-1]);
  if (min > finish)
     return -1;
  if (max <= finish && min >= start)
     return getPossibilities(prefixLen);
  long val = 0;
  for (int i = 1; i < 10; i++)
     long temp = selfProductCount(prefix*10+i, prefixLen+1);
     if (temp == -1)
     val += temp;
  return val;

static long getPossibilities(int prefixLen)
  return (long)Math.pow(9, len-prefixLen);
于 2013-03-29T17:47:16.080 回答

所以我们说产品是由digits和 组成的number



我认为它对于 32 位整数来说已经足够快了。

于 2013-03-29T07:53:49.353 回答