
我正在制作自己的 java socket 游戏。我的游戏在全屏上画得很好(它说“在这里画图形”,但我现在画到整个jframe)。我想添加一个带有滚动条的文本框,显示文本,不接受任何输入,另一个文本框从用户那里获取文本输入,然后添加一个按钮来发送文本,用于聊天目的。但是关于我的问题,我什至如何开始布局呢?我知道我需要一个布局,但是有人可以帮助我吗?这是我现在的代码(这段代码目前只设置了对整个屏幕的绘画,现在需要像上图那样划分屏幕):

public class Setup extends JFrame implements Runnable{
     JPanel panel;
     JFrame window;
     public Setup(Starter start, JFrame window){
         panel = new Display(start);
         this.window = window;
     public void run(){

“新显示(开始)” - 这扩展了 jpanel,它基本上是我绘制所有图形的地方。



2 回答 2



将布局设置到主面板后,您可以添加绘图面板和您想要的其他 JPanel(如其中包含文本的那些..)。

  JPanel mainPanel = new JPanel();
  mainPanel.setLayout(new BoxLayout(mainPanel, BoxLayout.Y_AXIS));

  JPanel paintPanel = new JPanel();
  JPanel textPanel = new JPanel();


这只是垂直(Y 轴)对所有子面板进行排序的示例。因此,如果您想要在 mainPanel 底部的一些其他东西(可能是一些图标或按钮)应该与另一个布局(如水平布局)一起组织,只需再次创建一个新的 JPanel 作为所有其他东西的容器并设置setLayout(new BoxLayout(mainPanel, BoxLayout.X_AXIS).

您会发现,布局非常严格,可能很难为您的面板找到最佳布局。所以不要放弃,阅读介绍(上面的链接)并查看图片 - 这就是我的做法:)

或者您可以只使用 NetBeans 来编写您的程序。你有一个非常简单的可视化编辑器(拖放)来创建各种窗口和框架。(之后才理解代码......有时很棘手。)


由于有很多人对这个问题感兴趣,我想提供一个完整的示例来说明如何布局 JFrame 以使其看起来像 OP 想要的那样。

该类称为MyFrame并扩展了 swings JFrame

public class MyFrame extends javax.swing.JFrame{

    // these are the components we need.
    private final JSplitPane splitPane;  // split the window in top and bottom
    private final JPanel topPanel;       // container panel for the top
    private final JPanel bottomPanel;    // container panel for the bottom
    private final JScrollPane scrollPane; // makes the text scrollable
    private final JTextArea textArea;     // the text
    private final JPanel inputPanel;      // under the text a container for all the input elements
    private final JTextField textField;   // a textField for the text the user inputs
    private final JButton button;         // and a "send" button

    public MyFrame(){

        // first, lets create the containers:
        // the splitPane devides the window in two components (here: top and bottom)
        // users can then move the devider and decide how much of the top component
        // and how much of the bottom component they want to see.
        splitPane = new JSplitPane();

        topPanel = new JPanel();         // our top component
        bottomPanel = new JPanel();      // our bottom component

        // in our bottom panel we want the text area and the input components
        scrollPane = new JScrollPane();  // this scrollPane is used to make the text area scrollable
        textArea = new JTextArea();      // this text area will be put inside the scrollPane

        // the input components will be put in a separate panel
        inputPanel = new JPanel();
        textField = new JTextField();    // first the input field where the user can type his text
        button = new JButton("send");    // and a button at the right, to send the text

        // now lets define the default size of our window and its layout:
        setPreferredSize(new Dimension(400, 400));     // let's open the window with a default size of 400x400 pixels
        // the contentPane is the container that holds all our components
        getContentPane().setLayout(new GridLayout());  // the default GridLayout is like a grid with 1 column and 1 row,
        // we only add one element to the window itself
        getContentPane().add(splitPane);               // due to the GridLayout, our splitPane will now fill the whole window

        // let's configure our splitPane:
        splitPane.setOrientation(JSplitPane.VERTICAL_SPLIT);  // we want it to split the window verticaly
        splitPane.setDividerLocation(200);                    // the initial position of the divider is 200 (our window is 400 pixels high)
        splitPane.setTopComponent(topPanel);                  // at the top we want our "topPanel"
        splitPane.setBottomComponent(bottomPanel);            // and at the bottom we want our "bottomPanel"

        // our topPanel doesn't need anymore for this example. Whatever you want it to contain, you can add it here
        bottomPanel.setLayout(new BoxLayout(bottomPanel, BoxLayout.Y_AXIS)); // BoxLayout.Y_AXIS will arrange the content vertically

        bottomPanel.add(scrollPane);                // first we add the scrollPane to the bottomPanel, so it is at the top
        scrollPane.setViewportView(textArea);       // the scrollPane should make the textArea scrollable, so we define the viewport
        bottomPanel.add(inputPanel);                // then we add the inputPanel to the bottomPanel, so it under the scrollPane / textArea

        // let's set the maximum size of the inputPanel, so it doesn't get too big when the user resizes the window
        inputPanel.setMaximumSize(new Dimension(Integer.MAX_VALUE, 75));     // we set the max height to 75 and the max width to (almost) unlimited
        inputPanel.setLayout(new BoxLayout(inputPanel, BoxLayout.X_AXIS));   // X_Axis will arrange the content horizontally

        inputPanel.add(textField);        // left will be the textField
        inputPanel.add(button);           // and right the "send" button

        pack();   // calling pack() at the end, will ensure that every layout and size we just defined gets applied before the stuff becomes visible

    public static void main(String args[]){
        EventQueue.invokeLater(new Runnable(){
            public void run(){
                new MyFrame().setVisible(true);


于 2013-03-29T00:13:01.387 回答


查看A Visual Guide to Layout Managers进行比较。

您可以使用 aGridBagLayout但它是 JDK 中可用的最复杂(也是最强大)的布局​​管理器之一。


我会使用 , 将图形组件和文本区域放在一个JPanel, 中BorderLayout,图形组件在 中CENTER,文本区域在SOUTH位置。

JPanel我会使用 a将文本字段和按钮单独放置GridBagLayout(因为这是我能想到的最简单的实现你想要的结果的方法)

我会将这两个面板放在第三个主面板上,使用 a BorderLayout,第一个面板位于该位置CENTER,第二个面板位于该SOUTH位置。


于 2013-03-29T00:25:13.977 回答