有什么方法可以在二进制文件中找到特定的原语(例如 MATLAB 中的 fread 或 Mathematica 中的 BinaryReadLists)?具体来说,我想扫描我的文件,直到它达到,比如一个 int8_t 精度数,然后将它存储在一个变量中,然后扫描另一个原语(无符号字符、双精度等)?

我正在从 MATLAB 重写执行此操作的代码,因此文件的格式是已知的。

我想读取文件中仅指定类型(32 位 int、char、..)的 n 个字节。例如:如果它们返回为 8 位整数,则仅读取我文件的前 12 个字节


2 回答 2



struct myobject { //so you have your data
    char weight;
    double value;
//for primitives in a binary format you simply read it in
std::istream& operator>>(std::istream& in, myobject& data) {
    return in >> data.weight >> data.value; 
    //we don't really care about failures here
//if you don't know the length, that's harder
std::istream& operator>>(std::istream& in, std::vector<myobject>& data) {
    int size;
    in >> size; //read the length
    for(int i=0; i<size; ++i) { //then read that many myobject instances
        myobject obj;
        if (in >> obj)
        else //if the stream fails, stop
    return in;
int main() {
    std::ifstream myfile("input.txt", std::ios_base::binary); //open a file
    std::vector<myobject> array;
    if (myfile >> array) //read the data!
        //well that was easy
        std::cerr << "error reading from file";
    return 0;

此外,如果您碰巧知道在哪里可以找到您要查找的数据,您可以使用 的.seek(position)成员ifstream直接跳到文件中的特定点。

哦,您只想将文件的前 12 个字节读取为 8 位整数,然后将接下来的 12 个字节读取为 int32_t?

int main() {
    std::ifstream myfile("input.txt", std::ios_base::binary); //open a file

    std::vector<int8_t> data1(12); //array of 12 int8_t
    for(int i=0; i<12; ++i) //for each int
        myfile >> data1[i]; //read it in
    if (!myfile) return 1; //make sure the read succeeded

    std::vector<int32_t> data2(3); //array of 3 int32_t
    for(int i=0; i<3; ++i) //for each int
        myfile >> data2[i]; //read it in
    if (!myfile) return 1; //make sure the read succeeded

于 2013-03-28T22:10:45.337 回答


http://www.mathworks.com/help/matlab/ref/fread.html http://www.cplusplus.com/reference/cstdio/fread/

两个版本的 fread 都允许您从二进制文件中拉入一组项目。我从你的问题中假设你知道你需要的数组的大小和形状。

#include <stdio.h>

int main() {
  const size_t NumElements = 128; // hopefully you know
  int8_t myElements[NumElements];
  FILE *fp = fopen("mydata.bin", "rb");
  assert(fp != NULL);
  size_t countRead = fread(myElements, sizeof(int8_t), NumElements, fp);
  assert(countRead = NumElements);

  // do something with myElements
于 2013-03-28T22:12:31.673 回答