I'm trying to capture div#map-canvas from my site, www.RichBlocksPoorBlocks.com, to make an iframe that people can embed anywhere.

Here's my iframe

<iframe src="http://www.richblockspoorblocks.com#map-canvas" style="width:600px; height:400px;"></iframe>

It goes to div#map-canvas, but it also loads the rest of the page as well. I'd like that div to be the only thing in the iframe.

Is this possible with an iframe?


3 回答 3


要实现这一点,创建一个单独的 .php 或 .html 文档会更容易,其中仅包含您要在 iframe 中显示的部分并排除其他所有内容。

因此,不是 iframe 指向“ http://www.richblockspoorblocks.com#map-canvas ”,而是指向类似:“ http://www.richblockspoorblocks.com/map-canvas.php ”的内容。

这将是一种非常快速有效的方式来做你想做的事,并且不需要任何外部库或 javascript。

于 2013-03-28T19:47:07.153 回答

When you call http://www.richblockspoorblocks.com#map-canvas the hash will probably cause the browser to look for a corresponding <a name="foo">bar</a> so this won't work using an iFrame.

What I would recommend doing is writing a script which you call from your iFrame which accepts the name of the page fragment to load. I know using jQuery's $.load() you can call an element ID to load a page fragment, and I think it's also possible in PHP too...

于 2013-03-28T19:43:33.090 回答

您不能在 iframe 中使用哈希链接。


于 2013-03-28T20:03:51.923 回答