我有这个网站www.canuckssuck.org,从本周开始,我收到了垃圾邮件和评论。为了您的观赏乐趣,我把上面留了下来。它们总是只出现在第一页。我对 reCAPTCHA 的实施是有缺陷还是被合法地击败了。让我放松一下,这并不是一个完美编码的网站。整个网站只有一页。
# are we submitting the page?
if (isset($_POST['submit'])) {
$resp = recaptcha_check_answer ($privatekey,
if ($resp->is_valid) {
//validate data kind of!
if($_POST['title'] == "")
$_POST['title'] = "The Canucks Suck";
if($_POST['comment'] == "")
$_POST['comment'] = "New Jersey is the best, we all know it!";
if($_POST['name'] == "")
$_POST['name'] = "Anonymous";
if($_POST['location'] == "")
$_POST['location'] = "Too embarrassed to disclose it.";
$ip = getUserIpAddr();
$_POST['location'] = $_POST['location'] +"--"+ $ip;
//convert line breaks to <br /> from /n etc
$br_comment = nl2br($_POST['comment']);
//add info to database
$obj->insert_values("INSERT INTO posts (post_id, title, comment, name, time, location) VALUES (NULL, '$_POST[title]', '$br_comment', '$_POST[name]', NULL, '$_POST[location]')");
header( 'Location: index.php?success=1' ) ;
//for debugging
echo "<h2 style=\"color:#00FF00; background:black; padding:2px;\">SUCCESSFULLY ADDED, THANKS!</h2>";
} else {
echo "<span style=\"color:red;\">Sorry cannot add comment because you've failed to provide correct captcha! Try again...</span><br />";
echo recaptcha_get_html($publickey, $error);