I'm playing around with this package of Sinatra and Coffeescript and can't seem to clear the asset pipeline. When I update backbone.js to the most recent version, the app (run with shotgun watch) continues to serve the version of backbone.js that I've just replaced!

I am sure there is a rake command or something to clear the asset pack, but I cannot find it in any of the documentation.

rake assets:clean is telling me that rake doesn't know that task.


1 回答 1


好像你没有正确地缓存破坏。您是否考虑过使用Sinatra Asset Pack进行资产管理?它支持咖啡脚本,并会自动破坏您的缓存,以便立即识别新的更改。

另一种选择是通过硬重新加载、shift+f5 或在浏览器中手动清除缓存来清除缓存。

于 2013-10-15T15:05:34.317 回答