In my web page, a JS block like this:

var classFactory = new ActiveXObject("X509Enrollment.CX509EnrollmentWebClassFactory");

// Other initialize CertEnroll Objects

It works fine in windows7(32bit or 64bit) with IE8(32bit), as long as I change the IE8 secure setting, enable Initializing and Script ActiveX controls not marked as safe.

But when use IE9(32bit), I try anything I can find on web, it reports error "Automation server can't create object."

I even created a static html file, save it in my hard disk, and then open it with IE9(32bit), it worked fine. Then I put the html file on my web site, visit the html file with url, then it came up with the error message again.

I have worked on this problem for 4 days, any suggestion would be appreciated.

3Q. I hope you can read my words as I'm not an native English speaker.


1 回答 1


a) 转到工具-> Internet 选项

b) 选择安全选项卡

c) 单击受信任的站点(或本地 Intranet,具体取决于您的站点是否受信任)

d) 点击自定义级别

e) 确保启用“初始化和脚本活动 x 控件未标记为安全脚本” - 这位于滚动条 1/4 处的 Activex 控件和插件部分。


完成后,清除浏览器 cookie 和缓存。关闭所有浏览器会话。重新打开 IE 以启动您的网站。

尝试禁用步骤 (e) 中的设置以查看问题是否再次出现 - 这应该可以更深入地了解问题。

于 2013-05-28T20:42:54.447 回答