嗨 frnds 任何人都可以帮我解决这个问题,因为我是 .net 世界的新手。下面的代码在本地服务器上运行良好,但是每当我尝试在服务器上上传时,它就会
“GDI+ 中出现一般错误。”
if (FileUpload2.PostedFile.ContentType == "image/pjpeg" || FileUpload2.PostedFile.ContentType == "image/jpg" || FileUpload2.PostedFile.ContentType == "image/gif" || FileUpload2.PostedFile.ContentType == "image/jpeg" || FileUpload2.PostedFile.ContentType == "image/png")
string filename = FileUpload2.FileName;
// Specify a upload directory
string directory = Server.MapPath(@"datalistimg\");
// Create a bitmap in memory of the content of the fileUpload control
Bitmap originalBMP = new Bitmap(FileUpload2.FileContent);
// Calculate the new image dimensions
int origWidth = originalBMP.Width;
int origHeight = originalBMP.Height;
int sngRatio = origWidth / origHeight;
int newWidth = 218;
int newHeight = (newWidth * origHeight) / origWidth;
// Create a new bitmap which will hold the previous resized bitmap
Bitmap newBMP = new Bitmap(originalBMP, newWidth, newHeight);
// Create a graphic based on the new bitmap
Graphics oGraphics = Graphics.FromImage(newBMP);
// Set the properties for the new graphic file
oGraphics.SmoothingMode = SmoothingMode.AntiAlias;
oGraphics.InterpolationMode = InterpolationMode.HighQualityBicubic;
// Draw the new graphic based on the resized bitmap
oGraphics.DrawImage(originalBMP, 0, 0, newWidth, newHeight);
// Save the new graphic file to the server
newBMP.Save(directory + filename);
dfn2 = @"datalistimg/" + filename;
originalBMP = null;
newBMP = null;
oGraphics = null;
fn2 = System.IO.Path.GetFileName(FileUpload2.PostedFile.FileName);
string SaveLocation = Server.MapPath("event") + "\\" + fn2;
fn2 = "event/" + fn2;