行 !!使用此代码完美运行!
在第一个子 xromata(希腊语中的颜色)中,我有一些用于不同工作表的设置。在此之后调用 sortarisma 并参考第一列与第二列和行数不同!
Sub Xromata(a As Integer)
If a = 1 Then
Call Sortarisma(11, 3, 103)
ElseIf a = 2 Then
Call Sortarisma(12, 3, 111)
ElseIf a = 3 Then
Call Sortarisma(9, 2, 103)
ElseIf a = 4 Then
Call Sortarisma(10, 2, 111)
ElseIf a = 5 Then
Call Sortarisma(11, 4, 103)
Call Sortarisma(12, 4, 103)
ElseIf a = 6 Then
Call Sortarisma(12, 4, 111)
Call Sortarisma(13, 4, 111)
End If
End Sub
Sub Sortarisma(arxi As Integer, per As Integer, numofrows As Integer)
Dim Arr(1 To 6) As Single
Dim i As Integer
Dim l As Integer
Dim k As Integer
Dim j As Integer
Dim ff As Integer
Dim ll As Integer
Dim temp As Single
ff = 1
ll = 6
For i = 3 To numofrows
temp = 0
Arr(1) = Cells(i, arxi)
Arr(2) = Cells(i, arxi + per)
Arr(3) = Cells(i, arxi + (per * 2))
Arr(4) = Cells(i, arxi + (per * 3))
Arr(5) = Cells(i, arxi + (per * 4))
Arr(6) = Cells(i, arxi + (per * 5))
For k = ff To ll - 1
For j = k + 1 To ll
If Arr(k) > Arr(j) Then
temp = Arr(j)
Arr(j) = Arr(k)
Arr(k) = temp
End If
Next j
Next k
For l = arxi To arxi + (per * 5) Step per
If Cells(i, l) = Arr(1) And Cells(i, l) >= 0 Then
Call xromatismos_keliou(i, l, 6)
ElseIf Cells(i, l) = Arr(2) And Cells(i, l) >= 0 Then
Call xromatismos_keliou(i, l, 5)
ElseIf Cells(i, l) = Arr(3) And Cells(i, l) >= 0 Then
Call xromatismos_keliou(i, l, 4)
ElseIf Cells(i, l) = Arr(4) And Cells(i, l) >= 0 Then
Call xromatismos_keliou(i, l, 3)
ElseIf Cells(i, l) = Arr(5) And Cells(i, l) >= 0 Then
Call xromatismos_keliou(i, l, 2)
ElseIf Cells(i, l) = Arr(6) And Cells(i, l) >= 0 Then
Call xromatismos_keliou(i, l, 1)
ElseIf Cells(i, l) = Arr(1) And Cells(i, l) < 0 Then
Call xromatismos_keliou(i, l, 6)
ElseIf Cells(i, l) = Arr(2) And Cells(i, l) < 0 Then
Call xromatismos_keliou(i, l, 5)
ElseIf Cells(i, l) = Arr(3) And Cells(i, l) < 0 Then
Call xromatismos_keliou(i, l, 4)
ElseIf Cells(i, l) = Arr(4) And Cells(i, l) < 0 Then
Call xromatismos_keliou(i, l, 3)
ElseIf Cells(i, l) = Arr(5) And Cells(i, l) < 0 Then
Call xromatismos_keliou(i, l, 2)
ElseIf Cells(i, l) = Arr(6) And Cells(i, l) < 0 Then
Call xromatismos_keliou(i, l, 1)
End If
Next l
Next i
Call addindex(numofrows + 2)
Application.Goto Reference:=Range("a1"), Scroll:=True
End Sub
Sub xromatismos_keliou(row As Integer, col As Integer, bathmos As Integer)
If bathmos = 1 Then
Cells(row, col).Interior.ColorIndex = 10
ElseIf bathmos = 2 Then
Cells(row, col).Interior.ColorIndex = 50
ElseIf bathmos = 3 Then
Cells(row, col).Interior.ColorIndex = 43
ElseIf bathmos = 4 Then
Cells(row, col).Interior.ColorIndex = 44
ElseIf bathmos = 5 Then
Cells(row, col).Interior.ColorIndex = 45
ElseIf bathmos = 6 Then
Cells(row, col).Interior.ColorIndex = 46
Cells(row, col).Select
With Selection.Font
.Bold = True
End With
End If
End Sub
Sub addindex(thesi As Integer)
Cells(thesi, 1).Interior.ColorIndex = 10
Cells(thesi, 1).Value = "1"
Cells(thesi, 2).Interior.ColorIndex = 50
Cells(thesi, 2).Value = "2"
Cells(thesi, 3).Interior.ColorIndex = 43
Cells(thesi, 3).Value = "3"
Cells(thesi, 4).Interior.ColorIndex = 44
Cells(thesi, 4).Value = "4"
Cells(thesi, 5).Interior.ColorIndex = 45
Cells(thesi, 5).Value = "5"
Cells(thesi, 6).Interior.ColorIndex = 46
Cells(thesi, 6).Value = "6"
End Sub