我有一个函数 foo,它采用非托管类型,然后创建一个泛型结构,它要求类型参数是非托管的:
type Vector4<'T when 'T:unmanaged> =
val x : 'T
val y : 'T
val z : 'T
val w : 'T
new (x, y, z, w) = { x = x; y = y; z = z; w = w }
let foo<'T when 'T:unmanaged> (o:'T) =
printfn "%A" o
printfn "%d" sizeof<'T>
let bar() =
let o = Vector4<float32>(1.0f, 2.0f, 3.0f, 4.0f)
foo o // here has error
Error 4 A generic construct requires that the type 'Vector4<float32>' is an unmanaged type
我检查了 MSDN,它是:
提供的类型必须是非托管类型。非托管类型是某些原始类型(sbyte、byte、char、nativeint、unativeint、float32、float、int16、uint16、int32、uint32、int64、uint64 或 decimal)、枚举类型、nativeptr<_> 或非其字段都是非托管类型的泛型结构。
为什么需要 blittable 类型参数的泛型结构不是非托管类型?