我在 VC6 中开发了我的 ActiveX COM 组件。我已经在它上面创建了 firebreath 插件,以便能够从不同的浏览器调用 COM API。我在 ActiveX 组件中有一个 API,它弹出 CDialog UI,在 Google Chrome 浏览器上,dlg.DoModal() 函数失败。问题仅在于 Chrome 它只是在此调用时崩溃,在其他浏览器中它可以正常工作
在 Windows 7 上,它与 Google Chrome 一起使用的问题也在于 Windows XP。
Firebreath 插件代码(插件名称为 FBTest):
bool FBTest::onWindowAttached(FB::AttachedEvent *evt, FB::PluginWindow *piw)
// The window is attached; act appropriately
try {
/* Now that we have the plugin window, create the ActiveX container
window as a child of the plugin, then create the ActiveX control
as a child of the container.
FB::PluginWindowWin* pwnd = piw->get_as<FB::PluginWindowWin>();
if(pwnd != NULL)
HWND hWnd = pwnd->getHWND();
// Create the ActiveX control container
RECT rc;
::GetClientRect(hWnd, &rc);
m_fbTestWin.Create(hWnd, &rc, 0, WS_VISIBLE|WS_CHILD);
CComPtr<IUnknown> spControlTest;
//ETESTPROGID is prog id of activex component
HRESULT hrTest = m_fbTestWin.CreateControlEx(ETESTPROGID, NULL, NULL, &spControlTest, GUID_NULL, NULL);
if(SUCCEEDED(hrTest) && (spControlTest != NULL))
g_eTestAxCtl = m_eTestAxCtl;
if (m_eTestAxCtl)
//TODO: should we throw a FB exception here?
} catch(...) {
//TODO: should we throw a FB exception here?
return false;
void FBTest::TestFunc()
//hThread = (HANDLE)_beginthreadex(NULL, 0,&FBTest::Start, (void*)&m_eTestAxCtl, 0, &ThreadId);
try {
long nCode = -1;
//This is call to API of Activex component which will popup the dialog
HRESULT hr = m_eTestAxCtl->TestFunc();
//return nCode;
catch(...) {
Activex 组件代码:
//CTestDlg is ATL Dialog Object
CTestDlg TestDlg;
//At this call Google chrome is crashing
return S_FALSE;
return S_OK;
我正在从一个 HTML 页面调用插件的 TestFunc() API,它向我展示了 IE 和 firefox 浏览器中的 dailog,但 Chrome 崩溃了。