我正在用 JavaScript 编写浏览器游戏,需要创建一个卡片类。这个类有(和其他变量)一个图像,当我创建一个对象时应该显示它。单击图像时如何显示对象的图像并调用函数?
使用此代码,我可以在任何我想要的位置显示图像,但是当我打开 .htm 文件而不是单击图像时,会立即调用 OnClick 函数。
<head> </head>
<script type="text/javascript">
function Card(photo){ // this is my object
this.pic = new Image(); // creating an Image object inside my Card class.
this.pic.height = 300;
this.pic.width = 200;
this.pic.style.position="absolute"; // this 3 lines should set the image's position, and it does.
this.pic.style.top = 50 + "px";
this.pic.style.left = 50 + "px";
this.OnClick = document.write("lala");
var myObject = new Card("cardback.jpg");
myObject = document.body.appendChild(coso1.pic); // is this how I should create the image? It appears where I want, but it doesn't seem a "clean" programming.
myObject.OnClick = document.write("lala" + coso1.pic.offsetLeft + coso1.pic.offsetTop); // this is casted when I open the file, and not when I click on the image. *sadface*