在 Eclipse Juno 中运行。
@Cucumber.Options(format={"pretty", "html:target/cucumber"})
public class RunTests {
Feature: Depositing money
Scenario: Sunny day [90m# deposit.feature:3[0m
Given: I have an Account with a balance of $100
When: I deposit $20
Then: The Account balance should be $120
问题:[90m# 和 3[0m 关于什么?
在 target/cucumber/index.html 中,我看到:
Feature: Depositing money
Scenario: Sunny day
Given: I have an Account with a balance of $100
When: I deposit $20
Then: The Account balance should be $120
我假设如果我在没有步骤定义的新功能上运行测试,那么 cucumber-jvm 会为我可以从控制台窗口复制到 java 文件中的步骤吐出骨架定义。这不就是这样吗?