这是我第一次尝试在 stackoverflow 上发布问题。如果问题或方法有问题,请多多包涵。我做了很多搜索以找到我的问题的答案,但无法弄清楚。这就是我想要做的。我编写了一个连接到 RabbitMQ localhost 以检索消息的 WCF 服务。我编写了一个使用 WCF 服务的控制台程序。现在,我希望 WCF 从 RabbitMQ 接收到的任何消息都被传递回控制台程序,而 WCF 仍在等待接收任何即将到来的消息。我看到的示例是使用委托和事件将消息传递回 Windows 窗体应用程序。我很难为控制台程序实现这个。下面是我的 WCF 代码。

public class MessageQueueSvc : IService1
    public string HOST_NAME = "localhost";
    public string EXCHANGE_NAME = "MyExchange";
    public string QUEUE_NAME = "MyMessageQ1";
    public string ROUTING_KEY = "";

    protected bool isConsuming;
    public delegate void onReceiveMessage(byte[] message);
    public event onReceiveMessage onMessageReceived;

    public IModel Model { get; set; }
    public IConnection Connection { get; set; }
    public Subscription mSubscription { get; set; }

    public string Hello(string name)
        return "Hello";

    public void StartConsuming()
        isConsuming = true;

        var connectionFactory = new ConnectionFactory();
        connectionFactory.HostName = "localhost";
        Connection = connectionFactory.CreateConnection();

        //connect the model, exchange, queue and bind them together
        bool durable = true;

        //after connection create a channel so that you can communicate with the broker thru this channel. 
        IModel channel = Connection.CreateModel();

        //after this declare an exchange and a queue and bind them together to this channel 
        if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(EXCHANGE_NAME))
            channel.ExchangeDeclare(EXCHANGE_NAME, ExchangeType.Direct, durable);

        if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(QUEUE_NAME))
            channel.QueueDeclare(QUEUE_NAME, false, false, false, null);
            channel.QueueBind(QUEUE_NAME, EXCHANGE_NAME, ROUTING_KEY, null);

        //once model,exchange, queue is created then start cosuming it. 
        bool autoAck = false;

        //create a subscription
        mSubscription = new Subscription(Model, QUEUE_NAME, autoAck);

        while (isConsuming)
            BasicDeliverEventArgs e = mSubscription.Next();
            byte[] body = e.Body;
            String tempStr = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetString(body);
            tempStr = "Processed message = " + tempStr;
            body = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(tempStr);
            if (onMessageReceived != null)
                //this is not working. I have to write an event handler or some sort of delegate to pass the message back to the calling program
                //and still waiting here for further messages from the server. 


1 回答 1



在实例化 MessageQueueSvc 类时,您需要创建连接、通道和使用者,就像您当前在StartConsuming方法中所做的一样。但是,我不会创建一个无限循环来进行消息消费。

相反,当控制台应用程序调用 WCF 客户端时,您应该从队列中使用。

public string GetMessage()
  BasicDeliverEventArgs e = mSubscription.Next();
  byte[] body = e.Body;
  String tempStr = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetString(body);
  tempStr = "Processed message = " + tempStr;
  body = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(tempStr);

  if (onMessageReceived != null)
    return tempStr;
    return null; //or throw some kind of exception...
于 2013-03-27T22:51:35.110 回答