My team is in the process of designing a REST API for an existing enterprise application that handles tracking of physical assets.

Our domain model is pretty complex, and we're hitting a blocking issue while designing our routes.

Ideally, we'd like each resource to support multiple business processes. But we can't find a way to do that without extending the resource's URL to help ServiceStack's routing engine figure out which DTO to use.

Here's an example. We keep a detailed history of transactions that involve widgets, and users can perform multiple types of actions on a widget that we represent with different types of transactions. For example a widget could be inspected, or it could be cleaned. Both are operations against /api/widget/{id}, but the first results in an inspection transaction and the second a maintenance transaction. We'd really like to create different DTOs that use the same route, /api/widget/{id}, and have the correct DTO selected based on the request body.

This doesn't appear to be possible. Instead, it's looking like we need to create two endpoints: /api/widgets/{id}/inspect and /api/widgets/{id}/clean, or something similar.

That doesn't feel very RESTful, since it's not far from /api/cleanWidget. It's more of a method call than an update to a resource.

Another option we've discussed is creating a single /api/transactions endpoint, since most requests to the API will result in a transaction being created. However, this would result in a single, monolithic endpoint, and users would have to figure out which of dozens of possible data attributes they need to populate for a given type of request. It's also pretty far removed from the use cases that our users will be programming for. They care more about the physical entities they're interacting with, not our behind-the-scenes implementation.

Two questions:

  1. Are we thinking about this incorrectly? Is there a better way to model this in a RESTful way?
  2. If our thinking is sound, is there a good way to use ServiceStack to consider the request body when determining which DTO and service method to use when satisfying the request?

1 回答 1


怎么样/api/widgets/{id}/inspection?如果你 PUT 就可以开始检查,如果你 GET 就可以得到检查状态。

如果您有更多检查同时运行(与您提到的事务一起),则可以设想一个您 POST 到的模式,/api/widgets/{id}/inspections以便在/api/widgets/{id}/inspections/{id}/. 在这里您可以 GET 来查看状态,DELETE 来取消等等。

如果您想根据消息正文确定 URL,一个想法是拥有一个/api/widgets/{id}/transactions资源,您可以在其中发布消息。该资源可以解析身体并返回一个 201 并参考/api/widgets/{id}/inspections/{id}/身体是否要求检查,或者/api/widgets/{id}/cleanings/{id}/身体是否要求清洁。

这只是一些想法。顺便说一句,您可能想查看RESTify DayTrader以获得一些灵感。

于 2013-03-27T16:22:18.617 回答