我有一个小型c++程序无法分配超过 2880 个malloc. 该声明:

void* tmpptr = malloc(2881);


void* tmpptr = malloc(2880);

没有。_ 每次!

我正在使用 MinGW 并使用

g++ -std=c++0x -pedantic -Wall -Wextra -g -D_GLIBCXX_DEBUG -static-libgcc -static-libstdc++

我知道malloc在 C++ 中不鼓励使用 of ,并且无论如何我都打算重写它,但我仍然想知道为什么这不起作用。当我用 gcc 编译它时,相同的代码一直在工作。


image * img = readPPM("pic/pic.ppm");
bw_image * sky = skyline(img, ref);
cont * lin = contour(sky, 0); // <-- chash


#include <cstdlib>
cont * contour(const bw_image * img, const char wrap) {
    int test = 2880;
    void* ptr1 = malloc(test);
    void* ptr2 = malloc(test);

现在第一个malloc可以工作,但第二个不行。如果我改变test = 1440;,同样的结果。但; 因为test = 140;第一个已经malloc失败了。


int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
    int size = 2881;
    void* tmpptr;
    printf("Allocating, %d\n", size);
    tmpptr = malloc(size);
    printf("Allocated %d bytes successfully\n", size);



void rem_artifacts(bw_image * sky) {
    for (int y = 0; y < sky->y; ++y) for (int x = 0; x < sky->x; ++x) {
        int xp = x - 1, xn = x + 1;
        if (xp < 0) xp = sky->x - 1;
        if (xn == sky->x) xn = 0;
        int c = sky->data[x][y];  // this is wrong
        if (
            (y == 0 || sky->data[x][y-1] != c) &&  // and this
            (y == sky->y-1 || sky->data[x][y+1] != c) && // and this
            sky->data[xp][y] != c &&  // and this
            sky->data[xn][y] !=c  // and this
        ) sky->data[x][y] = !c; // and this
bw_image * skyline(const image * img, const image * ref) {
    double tilt = 114.0 - 90.0;
    double pi = 3.14159265358979323846;
    double chang = 360.0 / 2.0 / pi;
    //double sint = sin(tilt / chang);
    //double cost = cos(tilt / chang);
    bw_image * sky = (bw_image*)malloc(sizeof(bw_image));
    sky->x = img->x;
    sky->y = img->y;    //  
    double cos30 = sqrt(3)/2;
    int lim0 = (int)((double)(img->y) / 2.0 + (double)(img->x) * tan(tilt/chang) * cos30);
    sky->data = (char**)malloc(sizeof(char*) * sky->y);
    for (int y = 0; y < sky->y; ++y) {
        sky->data[y] = (char*)malloc(sizeof(char) * sky->x);
        for (int x = 0; x < sky->x; ++x)
            sky->data[y][x] = !(y < lim0 && colour_dist_sq(img->data[y][x], ref->data[y][x]) < 5000.0);
    return sky;

3 回答 3



事实证明,我是在分配的内存之外写的(有点混淆了 ax 和 y)。奇怪的是,尽管该程序一直运行到现在(24/7 持续了好几个月)并且按照我的期望运行。它可以解释一些我无法解释的奇怪事情。

现在我无论如何都会用标准的 C++ 内存分配重写代码。

于 2013-03-27T19:47:18.603 回答

It looks to me like your heap is getting corrupted somewhere else in your program (probably during that big loop in main. The first thing you can do is start turning on warnings -Wall and -Wnon-virtual-dtor at a very minimum and then fixing them.

If you have access to Linux your best bet is to run this under valgrind and be amazed as it tells you exactly where you're overwriting memory.

Alternately if you have access to Purify ($$$) on Windows that may be able to help you as well. There are also memory checking malloc libraries available you may be able to use.

If none of those tools are available you're going to have to do diagnostics yourself by trying to remove sections of code and see if it still crashes or not.

于 2013-03-27T14:46:08.290 回答



  1. 首先分配sky->data

    sky->data = new char*[some_x_size];
  2. 然后你必须分别分配所有子数组:

    for (int x = 0; x < some_x_size; x++)
        sky->data[x] = new char[some_y_size];



于 2013-03-27T15:00:39.063 回答