我想实现一个新功能。当用户向上滚动列表视图时,每个项目都会显示一个动画,我注意到 android 提供布局动画,但它只会动画四种情况:

APPEARING - A flag indicating the animation that runs on items that are appearing in the container.
CHANGE_APPEARING - A flag indicating the animation that runs on items that are changing due to a new item appearing in the container.
DISAPPEARING - A flag indicating the animation that runs on items that are disappearing from the container.
CHANGE_DISAPPEARING - A flag indicating the animation that runs on items that are changing due to an item disappearing from the


但是如何使在滚动列表视图期间出现的项目具有动画效果。该功能与 htc sence5 BlinkFeed 相同,当它滚动时,它将为每个项目设置动画。


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