我有一个允许用户在网格中选择多行的 winforms 应用程序。这些行代表帐户,当用户选择帐户并点击按钮时,对象上的布尔属性将更改为所选值,无论其现有状态如何。但是,如果验证方法失败,则会向用户发送一条消息,并且需要将布尔属性设置回其原始状态。
public void ModifyAccounts(List<DemoAccount> accts, bool updateIsSpecial)
// Dictionary that will hold the account ID along with the booleans original state
Dictionary<int, bool> originalState = new Dictionary<int, bool>();
foreach(var acct in accts)
// Add the current state to the dictionary
originalState.Add(acct.Id, acct.IsSpecial);
acct.IsSpecial = updateIsSpecial;
// Send the list to another method that loops through each account and checks
// for specific validation rules. Returns a collection of tuples. The tuple
// contains the account for item1 and a bool validated flag for item2
var valAccounts = ValidateAccounts(accts);
var failedAccounts = from obj in valAccounts
where !acct.Item2
select new
account = obj.Item1,
isValid = obj.Item2
if (failedAccounts.Count() > 0)
// Alert the user with custom msg box method that the accounts failed
// Do Custom Method
// Reset the values of the failed accounts to their previous state.
// It is possible that some accounts passed validation and were saved,
// only the failed accounts should be reset.
foreach (var obj in failedAccounts)
bool originalFlagState = false;
originalFlagStates.TryGetValue(obj.account.Id, out originalFlagState);
var origAccount = accts.Where(x => x.Id == obj.account.Id).FirstOrDefault();
origAccount.IsSpecial = originalFlagState;
我希望这不会太令人困惑。我只有大约 3 年的开发经验,这并不多。但是,我觉得在做某事时,如果感觉有更好的方法,那么我可能没有正确或有效地做这件事就足够了。修改帐户标志会更改帐户列表中的对象。显然,将对象添加到新列表只会创建对该对象的引用。所以我不能做一些事情,比如持有 2 个集合,一个用于修改,另一个用于原始状态。我也无法进行深度复制,因为帐户类未标记为可序列化。由于对象的类型,我无法更改此设置。