Got this news through Apple Developer News RSS -- https://developer.apple.com/news/index.php?id=3212013b -- which says iPhone apps must support the 4-inch display. So now I have to update my app for 4-inch displays and also the images should be retina images.

I'm using some images which are not retina (2x) but still look good.

Will they reject my app if all images are not retina? is there any other source for this? I tried to find more information because the news link is not clear.


1 回答 1


是的,所有图像都必须是视网膜图像。Apple 会简单地扫描界面以查找不支持视网膜的图像,如果不是所有图像都是视网膜的,它将拒绝您的应用程序。这个过程大部分是自动化的,所以他们真的不太可能例外。


于 2013-03-27T11:02:11.957 回答