这是一个家庭作业。我最终会将这段代码翻译成 MIPS 程序集,但这对我来说是容易的部分。我一直在调试这段代码好几个小时,并且一直在我的教授办公时间,但我仍然无法让我的快速排序算法工作。这是代码以及我对我认为问题区域所在位置的一些评论:

// This struct is in my .h file
typedef struct {
    // v0 points to the first element in the array equal to the pivot
    int *v0;

    // v1 points to the first element in the array greater than the pivot (one past the end of the pivot sub-array)
    int *v1;
} PartRet;

void swap(int *a, int *b) {
    int temp = *a;
    *a = *b;
    *b = temp;

PartRet partition(int *lo, int *hi) {
    // Will later be translating this to MIPS where 2 values can be returned. I am using a PartRet struct to simulate this.
    PartRet retval;

    // We must use the last item as the pivot
    int pivot = *hi;

    int *left = lo;

    // Take the last value before the pivot
    int *right = hi - 1;

    while (left < right) {
        while((left < hi) && (*left <= pivot)) {

        while((right > lo) && (*right > pivot)) {

        if (left < right) {
            swap(left++, right--);

    // Is this correct? left will always be >= right after the while loop
    if (*hi < *left) {
        swap(left, hi);

    int *v0 = hi;
    int *v1;

    // Starting at the left pointer, find the beginning of the sub-array where the elements are equal to the pivot
    while (v0 > lo && *(v0 - 1) >= pivot) {

    v1 = v0;

    // Starting at the beginning of the sub-array where the elements are equal to the pivot, find the element after the end of this array.
    while (v1 < hi && *v1 == pivot) {

    if (v1 <= v0) {
        v1 = hi + 1;

    // Simulating returning two values
    retval.v0 = v0;
    retval.v1 = v1;

    return retval;

void quicksort(int *array, int length) {
    if (length < 2) {

    PartRet part = partition(array, array + length - 1);

    // I *think* this first call is correct, but I'm not sure.
    int firstHalfLength = (int)(part.v0 - array);
    quicksort(array, firstHalfLength);

    int *onePastEnd = array + length;
    int secondHalfLength = (int)(onePastEnd - part.v1);

    // I have a feeling that this isn't correct
    quicksort(part.v1, secondHalfLength);

我什至尝试使用在线代码示例重写代码,但要求是使用 lo 和 hi 指针,但我发现没有代码示例使用它。当我调试代码时,我最终只使代码适用于某些数组,而不是其他数组,尤其是当枢轴是数组中的最小元素时。


2 回答 2


分区代码有问题。这里有 4 个简单的测试输出,来自下面的 SSCCE 代码:

Array (Before):
[6]: 23 9 37 4 2 12
Array (First half partition):
[3]: 2 9 4
Array (First half partition):
[1]: 2
Array (Second half partition):
[1]: 9
Array (Second half partition):
[2]: 23 37
Array (First half partition):
Array (Second half partition):
[1]: 23
Array (After):
[6]: 2 4 9 12 37 23

Array (Before):
[3]: 23 9 37
Array (First half partition):
[1]: 23
Array (Second half partition):
[1]: 9
Array (After):
[3]: 23 37 9

Array (Before):
[2]: 23 9
Array (First half partition):
Array (Second half partition):
[1]: 23
Array (After):
[2]: 9 23

Array (Before):
[2]: 9 24
Array (First half partition):
Array (Second half partition):
[1]: 9
Array (After):
[2]: 24 9


#include <stdio.h>

typedef struct
    int *v0;    // v0 points to the first element in the array equal to the pivot
    int *v1;    // v1 points to the first element in the array greater than the pivot (one past the end of the pivot sub-array)
} PartRet;

static void dump_array(FILE *fp, const char *tag, int *array, int size)
    fprintf(fp, "Array (%s):\n", tag);
    fprintf(fp, "[%d]:", size);
    for (int i = 0; i < size; i++)
        fprintf(fp, " %d", array[i]);

static void swap(int *a, int *b)
    int temp = *a;
    *a = *b;
    *b = temp;

static PartRet partition(int *lo, int *hi)
    // Will later be translating this to MIPS where 2 values can be
    // returned.  I am using a PartRet struct to simulate this.
    PartRet retval;

    // This code probably won't ever be hit as the base case in the QS
    // function will return first
    if ((hi - lo) < 1)
        retval.v0 = lo;
        retval.v1 = lo + (hi - lo) - 1;
        return retval;

    // We must use the last item as the pivot
    int pivot = *hi;

    int *left = lo;

    // Take the last value before the pivot
    int *right = hi - 1;

    while (left < right)
        if (*left <= pivot)

        if (*right >= pivot)

        swap(left, right);

    // Is this correct? left will always be >= right after the while loop
    swap(left, hi);

    int *v0 = left;
    int *v1;

    // Starting at the left pointer, find the beginning of the sub-array
    // where the elements are equal to the pivot
    while (v0 > lo && *(v0 - 1) == pivot)

    v1 = v0;

    // Starting at the beginning of the sub-array where the elements are
    // equal to the pivot, find the element after the end of this array.
    while (v1 < hi && *v1 == pivot)

    // Simulating returning two values
    retval.v0 = v0;
    retval.v1 = v1;

    return retval;

static void quicksort(int *array, int length)
    if (length < 2)

    PartRet part = partition(array, array + length - 1);

    // I *think* this first call is correct, but I'm not sure.
    int firstHalfLength = (int)(part.v0 - array);
    dump_array(stdout, "First half partition", array, firstHalfLength);
    quicksort(array, firstHalfLength);

    int *onePastEnd = array + length;
    int secondHalfLength = (int)(onePastEnd - part.v1);

    // I have a feeling that this isn't correct
    dump_array(stdout, "Second half partition", part.v1, secondHalfLength);
    quicksort(part.v1, secondHalfLength);

static void mini_test(FILE *fp, const char *name, int *array, int size)
    putc('\n', fp);
    fprintf(fp, "%s:\n", name);
    dump_array(fp, "Before", array, size);
    quicksort(array, size);
    dump_array(fp, "After", array, size);
    putc('\n', fp);

int main(void)
    int array1[] = { 23, 9, 37, 4, 2, 12 };
    enum { NUM_ARRAY1 = sizeof(array1) / sizeof(array1[0]) };
    mini_test(stdout, "array1", array1, NUM_ARRAY1);

    int array2[] = { 23, 9, 37, };
    enum { NUM_ARRAY2 = sizeof(array2) / sizeof(array2[0]) };
    mini_test(stdout, "array2", array2, NUM_ARRAY2);

    int array3[] = { 23, 9, };
    enum { NUM_ARRAY3 = sizeof(array3) / sizeof(array3[0]) };
    mini_test(stdout, "array3", array3, NUM_ARRAY3);

    int array4[] = { 9, 24, };
    enum { NUM_ARRAY4 = sizeof(array4) / sizeof(array4[0]) };
    mini_test(stdout, "array4", array4, NUM_ARRAY4);


我没有对排序代码进行任何算法更改。我只是简单地添加了dump_array()函数,并对其进行了战略调用,然后添加了mini_test()函数和main(). 这些固定装置非常有用。请注意,当输入数组的大小为 2 且顺序错误时,分区是正确的,但当大小为 2 且顺序正确时,分区已颠倒了数组元素的位置。这是有问题的!解决它,您可能已经修复了大部分其余部分。在所有 6 个排列(3 个不同的值)中使用一些 3 个元素数组;考虑使用 3 个元素和只有 2 个不同的值,以及 3 个元素和只有 1 个值。

于 2013-03-27T05:26:28.823 回答



void quicksort(int *lo, int *hi)
    /* early exit on trivial slice */
    size_t len = (hi - lo) + 1;
    if (len <= 1)

    /* use hi-point for storage */
    swap(lo + len/2, hi);

    /* move everything in range below pivot */
    int *pvt=lo, *left=lo;
    for(; left != hi; ++left)
        if (*left <= *hi)
            swap(left, pvt++);

    /* this is the proper spot for the pivot */
    swap(pvt, hi);

    /* recurse sublists. do NOT include pivot slot. */
    quicksort(lo, pvt-1);
    quicksort(pvt+1, hi);


    swap(lo + (rand() % len), hi);


    swap(lo + len/2, hi);



于 2013-03-27T06:15:41.680 回答