有什么简单的方法可以让我的 jinternalframes 两全其美

  • 当我希望它们充当 jdesktoppane 的一部分时嵌入
  • 也可移动并能够处理自己的事件


希望这张图片能有所帮助。现在我有我的代码可以将项目拖到你的播放器并插入下一个可用的背包槽,但我也希望能够将它拖到任何背包槽,但正如你在下面看到的那样。有什么快速而肮脏的方法来解决这个问题吗?我的 JDesktopPane 顶部有一个面板,用于绘制所有内容(当然除了 jinternalframes 之外)。对不起所有的代码,没有 SSCCEE。只是觉得最好展示我的逻辑。

theDesktop.addMouseMotionListener(new MouseMotionListener() {
    public void mouseDragged(MouseEvent e) {
        if (MapGamePanel.draggingItem){
            Point point = e.getPoint();
            MapGamePanel.currentX = point.x;
            MapGamePanel.currentY = point.y;

    public void mouseMoved(MouseEvent e) {

theDesktop.addMouseListener(new MouseListener() {
    public void mousePressed(MouseEvent e) {
        if (e.getButton() == MouseEvent.BUTTON1){ //left
            int whiteLeftSpace = (theDesktop.getWidth() - xTiles*32)/2;
            boolean inGamePanel = e.getX() > whiteLeftSpace && e.getX() < (xTiles*32 + whiteLeftSpace) && e.getY() < yTiles*32;
            String globalCoords = localToGlobalCoords((e.getX()-whiteLeftSpace)/32 + "," + e.getY()/32);
            if (inGamePanel){
                //looking for tiles with no mobs or players and loot
                String[] globalCoordsSplit = globalCoords.split(",");
                int globalX = Integer.parseInt(globalCoordsSplit[0]);
                int globalY = Integer.parseInt(globalCoordsSplit[1]);
                if ((!(globalX == characterX && globalY == characterY)) && //not under character
                        ((globalX-1) == characterX || globalX == characterX || (globalX+1) == characterX) && //(+/-) 1 xTile
                        ((globalY-1) == characterY || globalY == characterY || (globalY+1) == characterY)){ //(+/-) 1 yTile
                    HashMap <String, String> dropsToDrag = new HashMap <String, String>();
                    Boolean mobPresent = false;
                    Boolean playerPresent = false;
                    if (MapGamePanel.entityInfoHashTable.containsKey(globalCoords)){ //no mobs/npcs
                        mobPresent = true;
                    Iterator<Entry<String, String>> it = MapGamePanel.entityInfoHashTable.entrySet().iterator();
                    while (it.hasNext()) {
                        Entry<String, String> pairs = it.next();
                        String key = pairs.getKey();
                        if (!key.contains(",") && !key.contains("-")){
                            String[] values = pairs.getValue().split("\\|");
                            String tempCoords = values[0];
                            if (globalCoords.equals(tempCoords)){ //player on spot
                                playerPresent = true;
                        } else if (key.contains("-")){
                            String[] splitKey = key.split("-");
                            if (splitKey[0].equals(globalCoords)){
                                dropsToDrag.put(key, pairs.getValue());
                    int smallEntityId = Integer.MAX_VALUE; //2147483647
                    if (!mobPresent && !playerPresent && !dropsToDrag.isEmpty()){
                        Iterator<Entry<String, String>> it2 = dropsToDrag.entrySet().iterator();
                        while (it2.hasNext()) {
                            Entry<String, String> pairs = it2.next();
                            String[] keyWithPK = pairs.getKey().split("-");
                            String tmpCoords = keyWithPK[0];
                            String[] coordsSplit = tmpCoords.split(",");
                            int tempX = Integer.parseInt(coordsSplit[0]);
                            int tempY = Integer.parseInt(coordsSplit[1]);
                            int tmpEntityId = Integer.parseInt(keyWithPK[1]);
                            String[] values = pairs.getValue().split("\\|");
                            String tmpId = values[0];
                            int tmploot_amt = Integer.parseInt(values[1]);
                            String tmploot_filename = values[2];
                            if (tmpEntityId < smallEntityId){
                                smallEntityId = tmpEntityId;
                                MapGamePanel.dragItemXCoord = tempX;
                                MapGamePanel.dragItemYCoord = tempY;
                                MapGamePanel.dragItemEntityId = tmpEntityId;
                                MapGamePanel.dragItemId = tmpId;
                                MapGamePanel.dragItemAmt = tmploot_amt;
                                MapGamePanel.draggingItemFilename = tmploot_filename;
                        MapGamePanel.draggingItem = true;
                        Point point = e.getPoint();
                        MapGamePanel.startX = point.x;
                        MapGamePanel.startY = point.y;  

    public void mouseReleased(MouseEvent e) {
        if (e.getButton() == MouseEvent.BUTTON3){ //right
            mouseHeld = false;
        if (MapGamePanel.draggingItem){
            int whiteLeftSpace = (theDesktop.getWidth() - xTiles*32)/2;
            String[] globalCoords = localToGlobalCoords((MapGamePanel.currentX-whiteLeftSpace)/32 + "," + MapGamePanel.currentY/32).split(",");
            int globalX = Integer.parseInt(globalCoords[0]);
            int globalY = Integer.parseInt(globalCoords[1]);

            String[] startCoords = localToGlobalCoords((MapGamePanel.startX-whiteLeftSpace)/32 + "," + MapGamePanel.startY/32).split(",");
            int startX = Integer.parseInt(startCoords[0]);
            int startY = Integer.parseInt(startCoords[1]);
            if (globalX == characterX && globalY == characterY){
                    sendToServer("pickupItem|" + startX + "," + startY + "-" + MapGamePanel.dragItemEntityId + "|backpack|-1|" + MapGamePanel.dragItemAmt);
            } else if (((globalX-1) == characterX || globalX == characterX || (globalX+1) == characterX) &&
                    ((globalY-1) == characterY || globalY == characterY || (globalY+1) == characterY)){
                if (!(startX == globalX && startY == globalY)){
                    sendToServer("moveItem|" + startX + "," + startY + "-" + MapGamePanel.dragItemEntityId + "|ground|" + globalX + "," + globalY + "|-1|" + MapGamePanel.dragItemAmt);
            MapGamePanel.draggingItem = false;

    public void mouseClicked(MouseEvent e) {}

    public void mouseEntered(MouseEvent e) {}

    public void mouseExited(MouseEvent e) {}


编辑由于这些建议,我与 JLayeredPane 混在一起。

public static JFrame frame;
public static JLayeredPane theDesktop;
public static MapGamePanel gamePanel; //where all my game tiles draw
    ....//lines removed
theDesktop = new JDesktopPane();
theDesktop.add(backpackFrame, JLayeredPane.DEFAULT_LAYER);
theDesktop.add(gamePanel, JLayeredPane.DEFAULT_LAYER);
theDesktop.add(new JLabel("THIS SHOULD SHOW UP ABOVE THE OTHER CRAP, but does not"), JLayeredPane.DRAG_LAYER);
    ....//lots of lines removed

2 回答 2


为了解决这个问题,我创建了一个 JLabel,当一个项目处于我的 (draggingItem boolean) 状态时,我将始终更新它。这是一些代码。感谢大家的所有帮助和想法...

public void mouseDragged(MouseEvent e) {
    if (MapGamePanel.draggingItem){
        Point point = e.getPoint();
        MapGamePanel.currentX = point.x;
        MapGamePanel.currentY = point.y;
        dragJLabel.setBounds(MapGamePanel.currentX, MapGamePanel.currentY, 32, 32);

public void mousePressed(MouseEvent e) {
    MapGamePanel.startX = point.x;
    MapGamePanel.startY = point.y;
    dragJLabel = new JLabel(MapGamePanel.draggingItemFilename);
    dragJLabel.setBounds(MapGamePanel.startX, MapGamePanel.startY, 32, 32);
    theDesktop.add(dragJLabel, JLayeredPane.DRAG_LAYER);

mouseReleased 也是一样,我只删除 JLabel。此外,正如您在我的屏幕截图中看到的那样,还没有图像,只有文本,只是快速编码,所以我可以在这里提供答案以帮助其他人......


于 2013-03-28T15:01:50.313 回答




于 2013-03-27T12:28:37.170 回答