
我需要将我使用 4 个随机不同数字(不重复)创建的 int 返回给 main 方法,以便我可以将它用于我的其余工作。我也不能使用字符串方法。我希望它打印随机数


public static void main(String[] args) {
      int generateSecretNumber;
      System.out.print("Random number is: "+generateSecretNumber);


public static int generateSecretNumber(int w, int x, int y, int z, int secretNumber) {
    Random ran = new Random();

    w = ran.nextInt();
    x = ran.nextInt();
    y = ran.nextInt();
    z = ran.nextInt();

    while (w == x || w == y || w == z){
    w = ran.nextInt();
    while (x == w || x == y || x==z){
    x = ran.nextInt();
    while (y == w || y == x || y == z){
    y = ran.nextInt();
    while (z == w|| z== x || z == y){
    z = ran.nextInt();

    if (w != x && x != y && y!=z){

    secretNumber = w + x + y + z;

    return secretNumber;


2 回答 2


在您的代码中,您实际上从未调用过您的generateSecretNumber()方法,而是声明了一个变量。删除 main 中的声明,并将打印行更改为System.out.print("Random number is: " + generateSecretNumber());.

接下来,该generateSecretNumber()方法不应该有任何参数,因为它完全由它自己决定要做什么,并且不需要任何外部数据。由于参数没有了,你还需要int w, x, y, z;在它的开头声明。

其次,您正在生成一个没有上限的随机整数。这根本不是您想要的,相反,您的rand.nextInt()调用上限应该是 10,导致rand.nextInt(10). 这将选择一个从 0 到 9 的随机整数。

最后,您返回的是数字的总和,而不是他们实际生成的四位数。相反,返回每个数字的总和乘以它们的位置。例如,第四位数字应该是w * 1000


public class RandUniqueFourDigits {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        System.out.println("Random number is: " + generateSecretNumber());

    public static int generateSecretNumber() {
        Random rand = new Random();
        int w = 0, x = 0, y = 0, z = 0;

        // Generate each digit until they're all unique
        while(w == x || w == y || w == z || x == y || x == z || y == z) {
            w = rand.nextInt(10);
            x = rand.nextInt(10);
            y = rand.nextInt(10);
            z = rand.nextInt(10);

        // Generate each digit until they're all unique
        w = rand.nextInt(10);
        do x = rand.nextInt(10); while(x == w)

        // Combine them into one integer and return
        return w * 1000 + x * 100 + y * 10 + z;

对于更有效的循环(每个数字仅在需要时重新生成,就像您的初始代码一样),将 while 循环完全替换为:

w = rand.nextInt(10);
do x = rand.nextInt(10); while(x == w);
do y = rand.nextInt(10); while(y == w || y == x);
do z = rand.nextInt(10); while(z == w || z == x || z == y);


public class RandUniqueFourDigits {
    public static void main(String[] args) {

    public static int generateSecretNumber() {
        Random rand = new Random();
        int w = 0, x = 0, y = 0, z = 0;

        // Generate each digit until they're all unique
        w = rand.nextInt(10);
        do x = rand.nextInt(10); while(x == w);
        do y = rand.nextInt(10); while(y == w || y == x);
        do z = rand.nextInt(10); while(z == w || z == x || z == y);

        // Combine them into one integer and return
        return w * 1000 + x * 100 + y * 10 + z;
于 2013-03-27T02:10:32.790 回答


public class RandomGenerator {
    private static final List<Integer> numbers;
    private static final Random random = new Random();

    static {
        for(int i = 1000; i < 10000; i++) {
            int x = i%10;
            int y = (i/10)%10;
            int z = (i/100)%100;
            int u = (i/1000);

            // Check for uniqueness
            if(unique) { numbers.add(i); }

    public static Integer getNumber() {
        return numbers.get(random.nextInt(numbers.size()));
于 2013-03-27T02:11:10.970 回答