我正在使用 Netbeans 和 JavaDB 开发 JSF + JPA 应用程序。当数据库处于脱机状态时,我按照此链接中的说明复制了整个数据库文件夹。当我将特定的数据库子文件夹复制到另一个 derby 位置或将整个数据库文件夹作为 Netbeans Java 数据库中的新 Java 数据库位置时,它会给出以下错误。
Unable to connect. Cannot establish a connection to jdbc:derby://localhost:1527/hr using org.apache.derby.jdbc.ClientDriver(DERBY SQL error:SQLCODE: -1, SQLSTATE:XJ040, SQLERRMC:Failed to start database 'hr', see the next exception for details.:SQLSTATE:XSLANDatabase at D:\Data\PDHS\hr has an incompatible format with the current version of the software. The Database was created by or upgraded by version 10.8.).