Recently radio buttons on a web page that I maintain stopped working in webkit browsers Chrome and Safari.

They work just fine in Internet Explorer, Firefox for Window and Firefox for Mac.

By successively removing html from the page I have isolated the problem. It is caused by an adjacent div that has a height attribute. If I remove the height attribute on the adjacent div, the radio buttons work.

I tried to attach screen shots showing both cases. However only one screen shot seems to show when I save the edits. So it seems only one screen shot is allowed.

The visible screen shot shows after the problem is fixed by unchecking the height attribute of the "progress indicator" div.

fixed condition with height attribute unchecked


1 回答 1


I found a better solution than working with the height. Instead add overflow:auto to the nearby div.

于 2013-03-26T22:29:28.120 回答