我的问题是我遇到了accepts_nested_attributes_for 的限制,所以我需要弄清楚如何自己复制该功能以获得更大的灵活性。(到底是什么让我感到困惑。)所以我的问题是:如果我想模仿和增加accepts_nested_attributes_for,我的表单、控制器和模型应该是什么样子?真正的诀窍是我需要能够使用现有的关联/属性更新现有的和新的模型。
我正在构建一个使用嵌套表单的应用程序。我最初将此 RailsCast 用作蓝图(利用 Accepts_nested_attributes_for):Railscast 196: Nested Model Form。
我的应用程序的很大一部分是我需要为我的模型和关联记录历史信息。我最终推出了自己的版本控制(这是我的问题,我在其中描述了我的决策过程/考虑因素),其中很大一部分是一个工作流程,我需要创建旧事物的新版本,对新版本进行更新,存档旧版本。这对用户来说是不可见的,他们认为这种体验只是通过 UI 更新模型。
代码 - 模型
class Checklist < ActiveRecord::Base
has_many :jobs, :through => :checklists_jobs
accepts_nested_attributes_for :jobs, :reject_if => lambda { |a| a[:name].blank? }, :allow_destroy => true
class Job < ActiveRecord::Base
has_many :checklists, :through => :checklists_jobs
代码 - 当前形式(注意:@jobs 被定义为清单控制器编辑操作中此清单的未归档作业;@checklist 也是如此)
<%= simple_form_for @checklist, :html => { :class => 'form-inline' } do |f| %>
<legend><%= controller.action_name.capitalize %> Checklist</legend><br>
<%= f.input :name, :input_html => { :rows => 1 }, :placeholder => 'Name the Checklist...', :class => 'autoresizer' %>
<%= f.input :description, :input_html => { :rows => 3 }, :placeholder => 'Optional description...', :class => 'autoresizer' %>
<legend>Jobs on this Checklist - [Name] [Description]</legend>
<%= f.fields_for :jobs, @jobs, :html => { :class => 'form-inline' } do |j| %>
<%= render "job_fields_disabled", :j => j %>
<% end %>
<p><%= link_to_add_fields "+", f, :jobs %></p>
<div class="form-actions">
<%= f.submit nil, :class => 'btn btn-primary' %>
<%= link_to 'Cancel', checklists_path, :class => 'btn' %>
<% end %>
代码 - 来自 checklists_controller.rb#Update 的片段
def update
@oldChecklist = Checklist.find(params[:id])
# Do some checks to determine if we need to do the new copy/archive stuff
@newChecklist = @oldChecklist.dup
@newChecklist.parent_id = (@oldChecklist.parent_id == 0) ? @oldChecklist.id : @oldChecklist.parent_id
@newChecklist.predecessor_id = @oldChecklist.id
@newChecklist.version = (@oldChecklist.version + 1)
# Now I've got a new checklist that looks like the old one (with some updated versioning info).
# For the jobs associated with the old checklist, do some similar archiving and creating new versions IN THE JOIN TABLE
@oldChecklist.checklists_jobs.archived_state(:false).each do |u|
x = u.dup
x.checklist_id = @newChecklist.id
# Now the new checklist's join table entries look like the old checklist's entries did
# BEFORE the form was submitted; but I want to update the NEW Checklist so it reflects
# the updates made in the form that was submitted.
# Part of the params[:checklist] has is "jobs_attributes", which is handled by
# accepts_nested_attributes_for. The problem is I can't really manipulate that hash very
# well, and I can't do a direct update with those attributes on my NEW model (as I'm
# trying in the next line) due to a built-in limitation.
这就是我遇到 accept_nested_attributes_for 限制的地方(它在这里记录得很好。我得到“找不到 ID=X 的 Model1 和 ID=Y 的 Model2”异常,这基本上是按设计的。
那么,如何创建多个嵌套模型并在父模型的表单上添加/删除它们,类似于 accept_nested_attributes_for 所做的,但我自己?
我见过的选项 - 是最好的选项之一吗?真正的诀窍是我需要能够使用现有的关联/属性更新现有的和新的模型。我无法链接它们,所以我将命名它们。
繁文缛节(在 github 上) Virtus(也在 github 上)