我相信,我们可以从 iOS App 运行 shell 脚本。谁能告诉我 iOS 中的默认 shell 是什么以及如何从 iOS App 调用 shell 脚本?
((请考虑我在后台运行脚本。我将脚本的返回值捕获到一个变量中。(下一行不是确切的代码。伪。Zsh shell 是默认的 - 我认为。) myVar= MyiOSAppBundle\Script.zsh
我相信,我们可以从 iOS App 运行 shell 脚本。谁能告诉我 iOS 中的默认 shell 是什么以及如何从 iOS App 调用 shell 脚本?
((请考虑我在后台运行脚本。我将脚本的返回值捕获到一个变量中。(下一行不是确切的代码。伪。Zsh shell 是默认的 - 我认为。) myVar= MyiOSAppBundle\Script.zsh
You cannot do this in iOS. If you are jailbroken, you may be able to, but otherwise applications are not given admin permissions.
Apple's guide on The iOS Environment in which an app lives may give you more insight.
Apple says in their May 2012 document titled "iOS Security":
Because iOS achieves a reduced attack surface by limiting listening ports and removing unnecessary network utilities such as telnet, shells, or a web server, it doesn’t need firewall software.
Your question lacks details. What are you trying to accomplish? What have you tried? Are you intending to develop for a jailbroken device or for the App Store? Please edit your original question or create a new, more complete one.