如果您的正则表达式引擎支持匹配的嵌套结构(PHP 支持),那么您可以像这样一次性删除(可能是嵌套的)元素:
function stripNestedElementsRecursive($text) {
return preg_replace('/
# Match outermost (nestable) "{*...*}" element.
\{\* # Element start tag sequence.
(?: # Group zero or more element contents alternatives.
[^{*]++ # Either one or more non-start-of-tag chars.
| \{(?!\*) # or "{" that is not beginning of a start tag.
| \*(?!\}) # or "*" that is not beginning of an end tag.
| (?R) # or a valid nested matching tag element.
)* # Zero or more element contents alternatives.
\*\} # Element end tag sequence.
/x', '', $text);
上面的递归正则表达式匹配最外层 {*...*}
但是,如果您的正则表达式引擎不支持匹配的嵌套结构,您仍然可以完成工作,但您不能一次性完成。可以制作匹配最内层 {*...*}
function stripNestedElementsNonRecursive($text) {
$re = '/
# Match innermost (not nested) "{*...*}" element.
\{\* # Element start tag sequence.
(?: # Group zero or more element contents alternatives.
[^{*]++ # Either one or more non-start-of-tag chars.
| \{(?!\*) # or "{" that is not beginning of a start tag.
| \*(?!\}) # or "*" that is not beginning of an end tag.
)* # Zero or more element contents alternatives.
\*\} # Element end tag sequence.
while (preg_match($re, $text)) {
$text = preg_replace($re, '', $text);
return $text;
使用正则表达式处理嵌套结构是一个高级主题,必须小心行事!如果有人真的想将正则表达式用于诸如此类的高级应用程序,我强烈建议您阅读有关该主题的经典著作:杰弗里·弗里德尔( Jeffrey Friedl )的《掌握正则表达式》(第 3 版) 。老实说,这是我读过的最有用的书。