我真的很喜欢姜戈。我对 Rails 做了一些改动,但我个人更喜欢 Django 的逻辑。我也更喜欢 Python 而不是 Ruby。再次,个人喜好。尽管如此,由于 Django 缺乏对 mongodb 等数据库的本机支持,我现在切换回 Rails。我看到 Django 1.5 没有计划支持 NoSQL 数据库。

我尝试安装 django-nonrel,因为它看起来很有希望,但没有成功。即使我成功了,考虑到缺乏积极的开发,我也不能相信这个 django 的分支。甚至没有帖子告诉您要安装哪个版本的依赖项,其中一些更新非常快。因此,您会遇到没有充分记录的错误,这只是一种恐惧。

Django 对我来说可能是一项长期投资,所以我想知道是否有计划更改 Django 的 ORM 以支持 NoSQL 数据库?


1 回答 1


There has been a lot of discussion about this on the various django project channels.

There are a number of side project and forks which allow no-sql functionality on django. There is also a wiki post from the django people which discusses some alternatives https://code.djangoproject.com/wiki/NoSqlSupport so you can use no sql.

So the bad news is: as of yet there is no definitive answer as to whether anything no-sql will be included in the django core. But the good news is there are a number of no-sql options which are supported and being developed.

于 2013-03-26T16:34:14.447 回答