我是 VBA 的新手。如何使用 UrlDownloadToFile 从http://cetatenie.just.ro/wp-content/uploads/下载 PDF 文件?
有人可以帮忙吗?该代码正在搜索 PDF 文件 udner 超链接,并在某些条件下匹配它们,即在其名称下的当前年份。
Function UrlDownloadToFile(lNum As Long, sUrl As String, sPath As String, _
lNum1 As Long, lNum2 As Long) As Long
UrlDownloadToFile = 0
End Function
Sub DownPDF()
' This macro downloads the pdf file from webpage
' Need to download MSXML2 and MSHTML parsers and install
Dim sUrl As String
Dim hDoc As MSHTML.HTMLDocument
Dim hAnchor As MSHTML.HTMLAnchorElement
Dim Ret As Long
Dim sPath As String
Dim i As Long
sPath = "C:\Documents and Settings\ee28118\Desktop\"
sUrl = "http://cetatenie.just.ro/wp-content/uploads/"
'Get the directory listing
Set xHttp = New MSXML2.XMLHTTP
xHttp.Open "GET", sUrl
'Wait for the page to load
Do Until xHttp.readyState = 4
'Put the page in an HTML document
Set hDoc = New MSHTML.HTMLDocument
hDoc.body.innerHTML = xHttp.responseText
'Loop through the hyperlinks on the directory listing
For i = 0 To hDoc.getElementsByTagName("a").Length - 1
Set hAnchor = hDoc.getElementsByTagName("a").Item(i)
'test the pathname to see if it matches your pattern
If hAnchor.pathname Like "Ordin-*.2013.pdf" Then
Ret = UrlDownloadToFile(0, sUrl & hAnchor.pathname, sPath, 0, 0)
If Ret = 0 Then
Debug.Print sUrl & hAnchor.pathname & " downloaded to " & sPath
Debug.Print sUrl & hAnchor.pathname & " not downloaded"
End If
End If
Next i
End Sub