例如,如果我想收缩 X、Y 和 Z:
_ node A _
_/ | \_
node X --- node Y --- node Z
node A
node XYZ (or whatever X/Y/Z)
图形创建不是问题。有用。我想通过合并具有相同“含义”的节点来缩小图形:我称之为“end lvl”(节点名称长度等于 7)并且链接在一起的节点。
我在 NetworkX 中找到了冷凝功能,所以我尝试使用它:
# edge contraction for same nodes
# for each node, get the links to other nodes "end lvl"
# if there is such a link, it means that these node are
# the sames
# copy graph
I = G
for n,d in G.nodes(data=True):
if n in I.nodes():
if len(n) == 7:
# list of nodes adjacent to n : filter only "end lvl" nodes
neighbors = [ node for node in I.neighbors(n) if len(node) == 7 ]
nodes_to_merges = neighbors.append(n)
I = nx.condensation(I,scc=nodes_to_merges)
当我转换为 JSON 时,我得到的是:
{"directed": true, "graph": [], "nodes": [{"id": 0}], "links": [], "multigraph": false}