我已经在我的服务器上安装了 Munin,但是当我尝试访问 mypage.com/munin 时出现 403 错误:禁止访问,您无权访问此服务器上的 /munin/。


  • 节点和主节点安装在同一台服务器上。
  • 文件 /etc/munin/apache.conf 有如下配置

     Alias /munin /var/cache/munin/www
     <Directory /var/cache/munin/www>
        Order allow,deny
        Allow from all
        Options FollowSymLinks SymLinksIfOwnerMatch
        <IfModule mod_expires.c>
           ExpiresActive On
           ExpiresDefault M310
  • munin conf 是 /etc/munin/munin.conf

    dbdir   /var/lib/munin
    htmldir /var/cache/munin/www
    logdir /var/log/munin
    rundir  /var/run/munin
        use_node_name yes
  • 而节点配置(/etc/munin/munin-node.conf)是默认配置。

在文件夹 /var/cache/munin/www 中没有生成图表,因为这个文件夹是空的,而且没有生成日志,我不明白为什么。


1 回答 1


使用新版Munin 2.0!

创建和编辑 /etc/apt/sources.list.d/backports.list 并添加:

deb http://backports.debian.org/debian-backports squeeze-backports main

更新存储库,然后安装 munin

# apt-get update
# apt-get install munin -t squeeze-backports

这个版本的 Munin 默认使用 CGI 来生成 HTML 和 GRAPH。所以在配置虚拟主机之前一定要这样做:

# apt-get install libapache2-mod-fcgid
# a2enmod fcgid


    <VirtualHost *:80>
        DocumentRoot /var/cache/munin/www
        ServerName munin.example.com
        Alias /static /etc/munin/static
        # Rewrites
        RewriteEngine On
        # HTML
        RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} !^/static
        RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} .html$ [or]
        RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} =/
        RewriteRule ^/(.*)           /usr/lib/munin/cgi/munin-cgi-html/$1 [L]
        # Images
        # - remove path to munin-cgi-graph, if present
        RewriteRule ^/munin-cgi/munin-cgi-graph/(.*) /$1
        RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI}                 !^/static
        RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI}                 .png$
        RewriteRule ^/(.*)  /usr/lib/munin/cgi/munin-cgi-graph/$1 [L]
        # Ensure we can run (fast)cgi scripts
        ScriptAlias /munin-cgi/munin-cgi-graph /usr/lib/munin/cgi/munin-cgi-graph
        <Location /munin-cgi/munin-cgi-graph>
                Options +ExecCGI
                <IfModule mod_fcgid.c>
                        SetHandler fcgid-script
                <IfModule !mod_fcgid.c>
                        SetHandler cgi-script
                Allow from all
        ScriptAlias /munin-cgi/munin-cgi-html /usr/lib/munin/cgi/munin-cgi-html
        <Location /munin-cgi/munin-cgi-html>
                Options +ExecCGI
                <IfModule mod_fcgid.c>
                        SetHandler fcgid-script
                <IfModule !mod_fcgid.c>
                        SetHandler cgi-script
                Allow from all
        <Location />
                Options +ExecCGI
                <IfModule mod_fcgid.c>
                        SetHandler fcgid-script
                <IfModule !mod_fcgid.c>
                        SetHandler cgi-script
                Allow from all
        <Location /static/>
                SetHandler None
                Allow from all
        <Directory /var/cache/munin/www>
                Order allow,deny
                #Allow from localhost ::1
                Allow from all
                Options None
                # Set the default expiration time for files to 5 minutes 10 seconds from
                # their creation (modification) time.  There are probably new files by
                # that time.
            <IfModule mod_expires.c>
                ExpiresActive On
                ExpiresDefault M310


# a2ensite munin
# /etc/init.d/apache2 reload

现在您可以在几分钟后访问http://munin.example.com中的 munin。让munin先收集一些数据。

于 2013-04-17T20:41:22.940 回答