我正在开发的网站上有一个页面,该页面允许某些用户在 Google 地图上选择位置作为访问位置,所有更新都是通过 ajax 到 mySQL 数据库完成的,所有这些都可以正常工作。当用户完成选择时,他们按下一个按钮来锁定当年的选择过程,这只需通过 AJAX 数据库更新访问访问者表上名为 Selection_Complete 的标志位来完成。
JavaScript 关闭函数:
function closeSelection() {
var conf = confirm('Are you sure you want to finish selection ?');
if (conf === true){
if (data === -1) {
displayMessage ('Unable to close selection: an error occurred in update');
console.error('setCompletionStatus() returned -1 a database error occoured during query');
} else if (data === -2) {
displayMessage ('Unable to close selection: an error occurred in update');
console.error('setCompletionStatus() returned -2 a database error occurred during query');
} else if (data === 0) {
displayMessage ('Unable to close selection: an error occurred in update');
console.error('Close selection returned 0 update enabled, should have been 1 to close');
} else if (data === 1) {
selectionComplete = data; // a global variable holding the current users selection status
displayMessage('Selection now closed for ' + dateInfo.getFullYear());
$('#placementMessages').html('Selection closed for ' + dateInfo.getFullYear()).css({
} else {
displayMessage ('Unable to lock selection: an error occurred in update');
console.error('Unknown code: ' + data + ' returned by setCompletionStatus()' );
javaScript Ajax 处理程序:
function setCompletionStatus (userID,isComplete,callback,failCallback) {
if ((! jQuery.type(userID)=== 'String') && (! jQuery.type(userID)=== 'number')) {
throw new Error ('The userID parameter of function setNumChoices() (AJAX) was of type '+ jQuery.type(userID) +
'\n either a String or an Integer was expected.');
data: {
mode: 'setIsComplete',
userID: userID,
}).fail(function(jqHXR,textStatus,errorThrown) {
console.error('An error occurred while calling setCompletionStatus() \n response text was: ' + jqHXR.responseText +
+ ' \n status was: ' + textStatus + '\n' + 'Header contents was: ' + errorThrown);
if ( (typeof data === 'undefined')||(typeof data === 'null')) {
failCallback ('Unable to set completion status');
console.error('An error occurred while calling setCompletionStatus.done() data was null or undefined');
else {
以及 PHP db 查询代码:
public function setSelectionStatus($userID, $selectionComplete, $asJSON = TRUE) {try {
$queryString = 'UPDATE Visitor
SET Selection_Complete = :selectionComplete
WHERE User_ID = :userID';
$statementHandle = $this->_dbHandle->prepare($queryString);
$statementHandle->bindValue(':selectionComplete', $selectionComplete);
$statementHandle->bindValue(':userID', $userID);
$success = $statementHandle->execute();
$numRecords = $statementHandle->rowCount();
if ( $success === false) {
if ($asJSON) {
echo json_encode(-1);
return -1;
else if ($numRecords === 0) {
if ($asJSON) {
echo json_encode(-2);
return -2;
} else {
if ($asJSON) {
echo json_encode((int) $selectionComplete);
return (int) $selectionComplete;
} catch (PDOException $e) {
echo 'Sorry,an error occurred while attempting update the current users selection status,administrators please check error logs for more details. <br/>' . PHP_EOL;
error_log('An error occurred while attempting to run the query function' . __FUNCTION__ . ' of class ' . __CLASS__ . ' on server (' . $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME']
. ')' . PHP_EOL . 'Details:' . PHP_EOL .
'Message: ' . $e->getMessage() . PHP_EOL .
'In file: ' . $e->getFile() . PHP_EOL .
'On line: ' . $e->getLine() . PHP_EOL .
'Stack trace:' . PHP_EOL . $e->getTraceAsString() . PHP_EOL, 0);
AJAX 函数在设置数据库字段时返回正确的值 日志中没有记录任何错误 PDO 或 PDO 语句都没有返回任何错误 我已经检查了通过 firebug 来回发送的数据,那就是数据库拒绝点空白更新字段。我很确定它与 AJAX 调用 cos 有关,如果我直接运行 PHP,它每次都能完美运行。抱歉,有点长,有人可以帮忙吗?我已经看了将近一天了,我很茫然。提前致谢。