public class MathTrigonometricExample {
public static void main(String[] args) {
double radians = 45.0;
double sine = Math.sin(radians);
System.out.println("The Sin of " + radians + " = " + sine);
double cosine = Math.cos(radians);
System.out.println("The Cos of " + radians + " = " + cosine);
double tan = Math.tan(radians);
System.out.println("The Tan of " + radians + " = " + tan);
double asine = Math.asin(sine);
System.out.println("Arcsine of " + sine + " = " + asine);
double acosine = Math.acos(cosine);
System.out.println("Arccosine of " + cosine + " = " + acosine);
double atan = Math.atan(tan);
System.out.println("Arctangent of " + tan + " = " + atan);
double sinh = Math.sinh(radians);
System.out.println("hyperbolic sine of " + radians + " = " + sinh);
double cosh = Math.cosh(radians);
System.out.println("hyperbolic cos of " + radians + " = " + cosh);
double tanh = Math.tanh(radians);
System.out.println("hyperbolic tan of " + radians + " = " + tanh);