我希望在 SharedPreferences 中存储一个包含 Hashmap 的 ArrayList。我怎样才能做到这一点?
4586 次
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您可以将您的收藏转换为 json 并将其存储在共享首选项中。每当您需要获取数据时,只需获取字符串并将 JSON 转换回您的集合即可。
//converting the collection into a JSON
JSONArray result= new JSONArray(collection);
SharedPreferences pref = getApplicationContext().getSharedPreferences(PREF_NAME, 0);
//Storing the string in pref file
SharedPreferences.Editor prefEditor = pref.edit();
prefEditor.putString(KEY, result.toString());
//Getting the JSON from pref
String storedCollection = pref.getString(KEY, null);
//Parse the string to populate your collection.
ArrayList<HashMap<String, String>> collection = new ArrayList<HashMap<String, String>>();
try {
JSONArray array = new JSONArray(storedCollection);
HashMap<String, String> item = null;
for(int i =0; i<array.length(); i++){
String obj = (String) array.get(i);
JSONObject ary = new JSONObject(obj);
Iterator<String> it = ary.keys();
item = new HashMap<String, String>();
String key = it.next();
item.put(key, (String)ary.get(key));
} catch (JSONException e) {
Log.e(TAG, "while parsing", e);
JSON 应如下所示:
"{test13=yeah3, test12=yeah2, test11=yeah1}",
"{test23=yeah3, test22=yeah2, test21=yeah1}",
"{test32=yeah2, test31=yeah1, test33=yeah3}"
于 2013-03-26T06:23:25.217 回答