我遇到的问题是对算法的第一次调用需要很长时间(大约 15 秒)才能执行。我已经在整个代码中放置了调试日志输出,似乎它调用了算法的某些部分的次数过多。
public Best chooseMove(boolean side, int prevScore, int alpha, int beta){
Best myBest = new Best();
Best reply;
if (prevScore == COMPUTER_WIN || prevScore == HUMAN_WIN || prevScore == DRAW){
myBest.score = prevScore;
return myBest;
if (side == COMPUTER){
myBest.score = alpha;
myBest.score = beta;
Log.d(TAG, "Alpha: " + alpha + " Beta: " + beta + " prevScore: " + prevScore);
Move[] moveList = myBest.move.getAllLegalMoves(board);
for (Move m : moveList){
String choice;
if (side == HUMAN){
choice = playerChoice;
}else if (side == COMPUTER && playerChoice.equals("X")){
choice = "O";
choice = "X";
Log.d(TAG, "Current Move: column- " + m.getColumn() + " row- " + m.getRow());
int p = makeMove(m, choice, side);
reply = chooseMove(!side, p, alpha, beta);
if ((side == COMPUTER) && (reply.score > myBest.score)){
myBest.move = m;
myBest.score = reply.score;
alpha = reply.score;
}else if((side == HUMAN) && (reply.score < myBest.score)){
myBest.move = m;
myBest.score = reply.score;
beta = reply.score;
}//end of if-else statement
if (alpha >= beta) return myBest;
}//end of for loop
return myBest;
如果该点为空并返回一个值(-1 - 人类获胜,0 - 平局,1 - 计算机获胜,-2 或 2 - 否则),则该方法进行移动。虽然我相信错误可能出在getAllLegalMoves
public Move[] getAllLegalMoves(String[][] grid){
//I'm unsure whether this method really belongs in this class or in the grid class, though, either way it shouldn't matter.
items = 0;
moveList = null;
Move move = new Move();
for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++){
for(int j = 0; j < 3; j++){
Log.d(TAG, "At Column: " + i + " At Row: " + j);
if(grid[i][j] == null || grid[i][j].equals("")){
Log.d(TAG, "Is Empty");
if(moveList == null || moveList.length < items){
}//end of second if statement
moveList[items - 1] = move;
}//end of first if statement
}//end of second loop
}//end of first loop
for (int k = 0; k < moveList.length; k++){
Log.d(TAG, "Count: " + k + " Column: " + moveList[k].getColumn() + " Row: " + moveList[k].getRow());
return moveList;
private void resize(){
Move[] b = new Move[items];
for (int i = 0; i < items - 1; i++){
b[i] = moveList[i];
moveList = b;