
我遇到的问题是对算法的第一次调用需要很长时间(大约 15 秒)才能执行。我已经在整个代码中放置了调试日志输出,似乎它调用了算法的某些部分的次数过多。


    public Best chooseMove(boolean side, int prevScore, int alpha, int beta){
    Best myBest = new Best(); 
    Best reply;

    if (prevScore == COMPUTER_WIN || prevScore == HUMAN_WIN || prevScore == DRAW){
        myBest.score = prevScore;
        return myBest;

    if (side == COMPUTER){
        myBest.score = alpha;
        myBest.score = beta;
    Log.d(TAG, "Alpha: " + alpha + " Beta: " + beta + " prevScore: " + prevScore);
    Move[] moveList = myBest.move.getAllLegalMoves(board);
    for (Move m : moveList){
        String choice;
        if (side == HUMAN){
            choice = playerChoice;
        }else if (side == COMPUTER && playerChoice.equals("X")){
            choice = "O";
            choice = "X";
        Log.d(TAG, "Current Move: column- " + m.getColumn() + " row- " + m.getRow());
        int p = makeMove(m, choice, side);
        reply = chooseMove(!side, p, alpha, beta);
        if ((side == COMPUTER) && (reply.score > myBest.score)){
            myBest.move = m;
            myBest.score = reply.score;
            alpha = reply.score;
        }else if((side == HUMAN) && (reply.score < myBest.score)){
            myBest.move = m;
            myBest.score = reply.score;
            beta = reply.score;
        }//end of if-else statement
        if (alpha >= beta) return myBest;
    }//end of for loop
    return myBest;

makeMove如果该点为空并返回一个值(-1 - 人类获胜,0 - 平局,1 - 计算机获胜,-2 或 2 - 否则),则该方法进行移动。虽然我相信错误可能出在getAllLegalMoves方法中:

    public Move[] getAllLegalMoves(String[][] grid){
    //I'm unsure whether this method really belongs in this class or in the grid class, though, either way it shouldn't matter.
    items = 0;
    moveList = null;
    Move move = new Move();

    for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++){
        for(int j = 0; j < 3; j++){
            Log.d(TAG, "At Column: " + i + " At Row: " + j);
            if(grid[i][j] == null || grid[i][j].equals("")){
                Log.d(TAG, "Is Empty");
                if(moveList == null || moveList.length < items){
                }//end of second if statement
                moveList[items - 1] = move;
            }//end of first if statement
        }//end of second loop
    }//end of first loop
    for (int k = 0; k < moveList.length; k++){
        Log.d(TAG, "Count: " + k + " Column: " + moveList[k].getColumn() + " Row: " + moveList[k].getRow());
    return moveList;

private void resize(){
    Move[] b = new Move[items];
    for (int i = 0; i < items - 1; i++){
        b[i] = moveList[i];
    moveList = b;



2 回答 2


带有 alpha beta 剪枝的极小极大树应该被可视化为一棵树,树的每个节点都是一个可能的移动,许多轮到未来,它的子节点是可以从中获取的所有移动。



function alphabeta(node, depth, α, β, Player)         
    if  depth = 0 or node is a terminal node
        return score
    if  Player = MaxPlayer
        for each child of node
            α := max(α, alphabeta(child, depth-1, α, β, not(Player) ))     
            if β ≤ α
                break                             (* Beta cut-off *)
        return α
        for each child of node
            β := min(β, alphabeta(child, depth-1, α, β, not(Player) ))     
            if β ≤ α
                break                             (* Alpha cut-off *)
        return β


-'for each child of node' - 与其编辑当前棋盘的状态,不如创建一个全新的棋盘,它是应用移动的结果。通过使用不可变对象,您的代码将不太容易出现错误,并且通常可以更快地进行推理。

-要使用此方法,请为您可以从当前状态进行的每一个可能的移动调用它,给它深度 -1,-Infinity 为 alpha,+Infinity 为 beta,并且它应该从轮到不动的玩家开始在这些调用中 - 返回最高值的调用是最好的调用。


于 2013-03-25T23:53:01.297 回答

我不会为你分析你的代码,但由于这是一个很好的编码 kata,我为井字游戏写了一个小 ai:

import java.math.BigDecimal;

public class Board {

     * -1: opponent
     * 0: empty
     * 1: player
    int[][] cells = new int[3][3];

     * the best move calculated by eval(), or -1 if no more moves are possible
    int bestX, bestY;

    int winner() {
        // row
        for (int y = 0; y < 3; y++) {
            if (cells[0][y] == cells[1][y] && cells[1][y] == cells[2][y]) {
                if (cells[0][y] != 0) {
                    return cells[0][y];

        // column
        for (int x = 0; x < 3; x++) {
            if (cells[x][0] == cells[x][1] && cells[x][1] == cells[x][2]) {
                if (cells[x][0] != 0) {
                    return cells[x][0];

        // 1st diagonal
        if (cells[0][0] == cells[1][1] && cells[1][1] == cells[2][2]) {
            if (cells[0][0] != 0) {
                return cells[0][0];

        // 2nd diagonal
        if (cells[2][0] == cells[1][1] && cells[1][1] == cells[0][2]) {
            if (cells[2][0] != 0) {
                return cells[2][0];

        return 0; // nobody has won

     * @return 1 if side wins, 0 for a draw, -1 if opponent wins
    int eval(int side) {
        int winner = winner();
        if (winner != 0) {
            return side * winner;
        } else {
            int bestX = -1;
            int bestY = -1;
            int bestValue = Integer.MIN_VALUE;
            for (int y = 0; y < 3; y++) {
                for (int x = 0; x < 3; x++) {
                    if (cells[x][y] == 0) {
                        cells[x][y] = side;
                        int value = -eval(-side);
                        cells[x][y] = 0;

                        if (value > bestValue) {
                            bestValue = value;
                            bestX = x;
                            bestY = y;
                            if (bestValue == 1) {
                                // it won't get any better, we might as well stop thinking
                                break loop;
            this.bestX = bestX;
            this.bestY = bestY;
            if (bestValue == Integer.MIN_VALUE) {
                // there were no moves left, it must be a draw!
                return 0;
            } else {
                return bestValue;

    void move(int side) {
        if (bestX == -1) {
        cells[bestX][bestY] = side;

        int w = winner();
        if (w != 0) {
            System.out.println("Game over!");
        } else {

    public String toString() {
        StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
        char[] c = {'O', ' ', 'X'};
        for (int y = 0; y < 3; y++) {
            for (int x = 0; x < 3; x++) {
                sb.append(c[cells[x][y] + 1]);
        return sb.toString();

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        long start = System.nanoTime();
        Board b = new Board();
        long end = System.nanoTime();
        System.out.println(new BigDecimal(end - start).movePointLeft(9));

精明的读者会注意到我不使用 alpha/beta 截止值。尽管如此,在我有点过时的笔记本上,这在 0.015 秒内完成了一场比赛......


于 2013-03-26T01:06:50.690 回答