参考位串 010011110110
We also assume that when the number is stored as a floating point (real) number, 6 of the 12 bits are reserved for the mantissa (or significand)
If the string represents a floating point number, what is this (smallest) number?
Find the range (or interval) of floating point numbers that could be represented by the same string.
value=(-1)^s (1+m/26 )^{e-24} is what I think I need in order to solve one of the,
这是我要在 28 日星期四进行评估的最后两个问题,我已经完成了所有其他问题,此时我不知道其中是否有任何问题是正确的,我只是被困在这些问题上。我不知道为什么我必须作为网络专业的学生上一门计算机科学课,但这让我很生气。