
2) 自动将光标放在所选movieClip的实例名称框中




1 回答 1


您列出的示例没有快捷键,因为它们不是 IDE 内的默认任务。话虽如此,您可以使用 JSFL 创建方法来执行这些示例,首先创建一个命令,然后为该命令分配一个键盘快捷键。作为示例,我将在您的列表中包含第二项的脚本。

2) 自动将光标放在所选movieClip的实例名称框中

目前没有办法告诉 IDE 将光标发送到属性面板中的实例名称框,但您可以使用 JSFL 解决这个问题。让我们弹出我们自己的实例名称框。


// Assign Instance Name - Andrew Doll

/* This code will provide a prompt for the user to assign an instance name to a selected symbol on the stage. The great thing about using a
// prompt is that the focus is already in the input field of the prompt.  To speed up your workflow I recommend assigning a keyboard
// shortcut to this command.

// Check to see if there is a file open first.
var dom = fl.getDocumentDOM();
if (dom == null)
    alert("Please open a file.");
    // Make sure to only select one symbol on the stage at a time.
    if (dom.selection.length > 1)
        alert("You can only select one symbol to assign an instance name to. Please make only a single selection on the stage.");
    // Make sure that you have at least one symbol selected.
    else if (dom.selection.length == 0)
        alert("You need to select a symbol on the stage to assign an instance name.");
    // Make sure that the symbol you have selected is a movie clip or a button.
    else if (dom.selection[0].symbolType == "graphic" || dom.selection[0].elementType != "instance")
        alert("Your selection needs to be a button or a movie clip symbol.");
        // Pop up a prompt for the user to assign an instance name with.
        var iName = prompt("Assign an instance name to the selected symbol.");
        // If the user cancels then do nothing.
        if (iName == null)
            // Do Nothing.
            // Assign the instance name to the selected symbol.
            dom.selection[0].name = iName;

将此命令作为 JSFL 脚本保存在 Flash 配置目录的 commands 文件夹中,然后为其分配键盘快捷键。

于 2013-04-07T17:38:22.090 回答