我正在使用 Python 2.4,并且在 Python 方面很新,一般编程和正则表达式。我有一个大模块,当前输出两个单独的流(或数据集/文件)的行,流 A 和流 B。我正在尝试将流 A 与流 B 进行比较,以查看流 B 中的任何字符串是否可以在任何行中匹配流 A。我想将所有匹配的内容和所有不匹配的内容作为两个单独的对象返回。请在下面以粗体查看我的问题。有谁知道我可以如何克服这个问题或有最佳实践建议?

到目前为止,我已经将流 B(“realtimes”)转换为一个列表(“regexes”)并将该列表转换为一组正则表达式(“combined”),使用此代码


regex = re.compile(r'.*\[(\d{2}:\d{2}:\d{2}\.\d{6})\].*')
optsymbx = re.compile(r'\[(\d{2}:\d{2}:\d{2}\.\d{6})\][\s]+(trade),(S|B),(\d{1,}),(\w+)[\s]+([0-9A-Z]+),(\d+\.\d+)')
regexes = []

def realtimes():
    for x in realtrades():
        x = str(x)
        m = re.match(regex,x)
        if m:
            yield str(m.groups())

#make contents of realtimes into group of regular expressions     
f = open(logfile,'r')
for x in realtimes():
combined = "(" + ")|(".join(regexes) + ")"

然后我查看流 A(f 中的行),并根据“combined”和一个附加的正则表达式标准(“optsymbx”)检查每一行,看看是否有匹配项,如下所示:

# checking if any lines in the logfile match "optsymbx" and any regular expressions wihtin "combined"
f = open(logfile,'r')
for line in f:
    m = re.match(combined,line)
    mopt = re.match(optsymbx,line)
    if not m:
        if mopt:
            print line

问题是流 A 和 B 非常大。流 A 包含超过 100,000 行,流 B 有数千行。因此,当我将 Stream B 的内容转换为一组正则表达式(“组合”)时,它超过了 100 个命名组的容量,并且出现错误: 另外,我测试并知道当我减小将 Stream B 的内容分成少于 100 个命名组。

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "badtrades.py", line 121, in ?
    m = re.match(combined,line)
  File "/usr/lib64/python2.4/sre.py", line 129, in match
    return _compile(pattern, flags).match(string)
  File "/usr/lib64/python2.4/sre.py", line 225, in _compile
    p = sre_compile.compile(pattern, flags)
  File "/usr/lib64/python2.4/sre_compile.py", line 506, in compile
    raise AssertionError(
AssertionError: sorry, but this version only supports 100 named groups

来自组合的样本数据(来自流 B):

    ["('09:50:31.458370',)", **"('09:50:31.458370',)"**, "('09:50:48.343785',)", "('09:50:48.449219',)", "('09:50:48.449219',)", "('09:50:48.449219',)", "('09:50:48.449219',)", "('09:51:01.986971',)", "('09:51:01.986971',)", "('09:51:01.986971',)", "('09:51:34.543147',)", "('09:52:14.688349',)", "('09:52:14.688349',)", "('09:52:14.688349',)", "('09:52:14.688349',)", "('09:52:19.700134',)", "('09:53:06.696156',)", "('09:53:06.696156',)", "('09:53:06.696156',)", "('09:53:06.696156',)", "('09:53:06.696156',)", "('09:53:06.696156',)", "('09:53:06.696156',)", "('09:53:06.696156',)", "('09:54:39.295261',)", "('09:54:39.295261',)", "('09:54:44.883143',)", "('09:54:44.883143',)", "('09:54:44.883143',)", "('09:54:44.883143',)", "('09:55:17.750226',)", "('09:55:17.750226',)", "('09:55:17.750226',)", "('09:55:17.750226',)", "('09:55:17.750226',)", "('09:55:17.750226',)", "('09:55:17.750226',)", "('09:55:17.750226',)", "('09:55:17.750226',)", "('09:55:19.767099',)", "('09:55:26.750094',)", "('09:55:26.750094',)", "('09:55:29.195194',)", "('09:55:29.195194',)", "('09:55:29.195194',)", "('09:55:29.195194',)", "('09:55:29.195194',)", "('09:55:29.722747',)", "('09:56:38.809658',)", "('09:56:38.809658',)", "('09:57:38.444653',)", "('09:57:38.444653',)", "('09:57:38.444653',)", "('09:57:38.444653',)", "('09:57:38.444653',)", "('09:57:38.444653',)", "('09:57:38.444653',)", "('09:57:38.444653',)", "('09:57:38.444653',)", "('09:57:38.444653',)", "('09:57:38.444653',)", "('09:57:38.444653',)", "('09:57:38.444653',)", "('09:57:38.444653',)", "('09:57:38.444653',)", "('09:58:37.573746',)", "('09:58:37.573746',)", "('09:58:37.573746',)", "('09:59:02.185210',)", "('09:59:09.245981',)", "('09:59:33.619633',)", "('09:59:33.619633',)", "('09:59:33.619633',)", "('09:59:33.619633',)"]

来自日志文件(流 A)的样本数据:

[09:49:52.515951] T,AAPL  130518C00450000,1,32.05
[09:49:53.568816] T,AAPL  130328P00455000,30,1.09
[09:49:53.811441] trade,S,2,AAPL  130328C00470000,4.75
[09:49:53.811447] trade,B,95,AAPL,468.69
[09:50:31.241441] T,AAPL  130328P00430000,3,0.08
[09:50:31.385327] T,AAPL  130328P00455000,5,1.10
[09:50:31.385911] T,AAPL  130328P00455000,5,1.10
[09:50:31.458370] trade,B,2,AAPL  130328C00475000,2.80
[09:50:31.458373] trade,S,68,AAPL,468.46
[09:50:48.339322] T,AAPL  130328C00485000,8,0.92
[09:50:48.339341] T,AAPL  130328C00485000,1,0.92
[09:50:48.339357] T,AAPL  130328C00485000,9,0.92
[09:50:48.343785] trade,B,2,AAPL  130328C00465000,7.05
[09:50:48.343789] trade,S,118,AAPL,468.19


data A:  [09:50:31.458370] trade,B,2,AAPL  130328C00475000,2.80
data B:  [09:50:31.458370]


data A:  [09:49:53.811441] trade,S,2,AAPL  130328C00470000,4.75
data B:  #there is no timestamp from B which matches A

1 回答 1



Using Streams A and B, and Objects Match and NoMatch
FETCH next Line of A into LineA
FETCH next Line of B into LineB
WHILE Neither stream is at end of file:
    WHILE TimeStamp in LineA < TimeStamp in LineB:
        ADD LineA to NoMatch
        FETCH next Line of A into LineA
    WHILE TimeStamp in LineA = TimeStamp in LineB:
        Add (LineA, LineB) to Match
        FETCH next Line of A into LineA
    FETCH next Line of B into LineB
WHILE A is not at End of File
    ADD LineA to NoMatch
    FETCH next Line of A into LineA

这将处理 A 中的重复,但不处理 B 中的重复。要处理 B 中的重复,您必须保持对过去行的记忆:

Using Streams A and B, and Objects Match, NoMatch and Temp
FETCH next Line of A into LineA
FETCH next Line of B into LineB
WHILE Neither stream is at end of file:
    CLEAR Temp
    WHILE TimeStamp in LineA < TimeStamp in LineB:
        ADD LineA to NoMatch
        FETCH next Line of A into LineA
    WHILE TimeStamp in LineA = TimeStamp in LineB:
        ADD (LineA, LineB) to Match
        ADD LineA to Temp
        SET Temp Timestamp to LineA Timestamp
        FETCH next Line of A into LineA
    FETCH next Line of B into LineB
    WHILE TimeStamp in LineB = Temp TimeStamp:
        FOR Line IN Temp:
            ADD (Line, LineB) TO Match
        FETCH next Line of B into LineB 
WHILE A is not at End of File
    ADD LineA to NoMatch
    FETCH next Line of A into LineA

编辑:我对如何确定 EOF 模棱两可。让我们假设在 EOF 之后读取返回和空字符串(就像在 python 中一样)。实现更像这样:

Using Streams A and B, and Objects Match, NoMatch and Temp
FETCH next Line of A into LineA
FETCH next Line of B into LineB
WHILE Neither LineA nor LineB is an Empty String:
    CLEAR Temp
    WHILE LineA is not an Empty String, AND TimeStamp in LineA < TimeStamp in LineB:
        ADD LineA to NoMatch
        FETCH next Line of A into LineA
    WHILE LineA is not an Empty String, AND TimeStamp in LineA = TimeStamp in LineB:
        ADD (LineA, LineB) to Match
        ADD LineA to Temp
        SET Temp Timestamp to LineA Timestamp
        FETCH next Line of A into LineA
    FETCH next Line of B into LineB
    WHILE LineB is not an Empty String, AND TimeStamp in LineB = Temp TimeStamp:
        FOR Line IN Temp:
            ADD (Line, LineB) TO Match
        FETCH next Line of B into LineB 

//At this point, Either LineA is empty (meaning there are no more strings to match),
//or LineB is empty (meaning there are no more matches to find).  If the first is true,
//This loop will be skipped.  Otherwise, this loop will put what's left of A into the 
//Not Matched Object.
WHILE  LineA is not an Empty String:
    ADD LineA to NoMatch
    FETCH next Line of A into LineA
于 2013-03-25T20:36:11.200 回答