我正在尝试通过 OpenVMS 服务器上的命令行发送信号。使用 Perl,我在进程之间设置了信号处理程序,并且 VMS 上的 Perl 能够发送 Posix 信号。此外,C++ 程序也能够发送和处理信号。但是,我遇到的问题是这些进程可能正在集群中的另一个节点上运行,我需要编写一个实用程序脚本来远程向它们发送信号。
我试图避免编写新脚本,而宁愿简单地远程执行命令以从命令行发送信号。我需要发送 SIGUSR1,它转换为 OpenVMS 的 C$_SIGUSR1。
据我所知,没有支持的命令行界面来执行此操作。但是您可以通过调用未记录的系统服务 SYS$SIGPRC() 来完成任务。该系统服务可以将任何条件值传递给目标进程,而不仅仅是 POSIX 信号。这是以标准格式描述的接口:
SYS$SIGPRC process-id ,[process-name] ,condition-code
OpenVMS usage: cond_value
type: longword (unsigned)
access: write only
mechanism: by value
OpenVMS usage: process_id
type: longword (unsigned)
access: modify
mechanism: by reference
Process identifier of the process for which is to receive the signal. The
process-id argument is the address of an unsigned longword containing the
process identifier. If you do not specify process-id, process-name is
The process-id is updated to contain the process identifier actually
used, which may be different from what you originally requested if you
specified process-name.
OpenVMS usage: process_name
type: character string
access: read only
mechanism: by descriptor
A 1 to 15 character string specifying the name of the process for
which will receive the signal. The process-name argument is the
address of a descriptor pointing to the process name string. The name
must correspond exactly to the name of the process that is to receive
the signal; SYS$SIGPRC does not allow trailing blanks or abbreviations.
If you do not specify process-name, process-id is used. If you specify
neither process-name nor process-id, the caller's process is used.
Also, if you do not specify process-name and you specify zero for
process-id, the caller's process is used.
OpenVMS usage: cond_value
type: longword (unsigned)
access: read only
mechanism: by value
OpenVMS 32-bit condition value. The condition-value argument is
an unsigned longword that contains the condition value delivered
to the process as a signal.
SS$_NORMAL The service completed successfully
SS$_NONEXPR Specified process does not exist
SS$_NOPRIV The process does not have the privilege to signal
the specified process
SS$_IVLOGNAM The process name string has a length of 0 or has
more than 15 characters
(plus I suspect there are other possible returns having to do
with various cluster communications issues)
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <ssdef.h>
#include <stsdef.h>
#include <descrip.h>
#include <errnodef.h>
#include <lib$routines.h>
int main (int argc, char *argv[]) {
** To build:
** $ cc sigusr1
** $ link sigusr1
** Run example:
** $ sigusr1 := $dev:[dir]sigusr1.exe
** $ sigusr1 20206E53
static unsigned int pid;
static unsigned int r0_status;
extern unsigned int sys$sigprc (unsigned int *,
struct dsc$descriptor_s *,
if (argc < 2) {
(void)fprintf (stderr, "Usage: %s PID\n",
sscanf (argv[1], "%x", &pid);
r0_status = sys$sigprc (&pid, 0, C$_SIGUSR1);
if (!$VMS_STATUS_SUCCESS (r0_status)) {
(void)lib$signal (r0_status);