public abstract class State<T>
    public virtual Enter(T item)
            // an empty method

public class ChaseState : State<FieldPlayer>
    public override Enter(Player pl)
        // ...
        pl.Fsm.CurrentState = ChaseState.Instance;

public class TendGoal : State<Goalkeeper>
   public override Enter(Goalkeeper gk)
       // ...implementation
       gk.Fsm.CurrentState = TendGoal.Instance;
       // ...implementation

public class DefendState : State<Team>
    public override Enter(Team team)
        // ....    
        team.Fsm.CurrentState = DefendState.Instance;


public class FSM
    public /*some type*/ owner;         // PROBLEM 1
                                        // OWNER CAN BE TEAM, GOALKEEPEEPER
                                        // OR FIELD PLAYER
    public /*some type*/ globalState;
    public /*some type*/ currentState;
    public /*some type*/ previousState;
    public void Update()
        if (globalState != null)
            globalState.Execute(owner);  // PROBLEM 2
                                         // IF GLOBAL STATE'S TYPE
                                         // IS AN OBJECT, CANT CALL EXECUTE
                                         // OBJECTS TYPE WILL BE KNOWN ONLY
                                         // DURING RUNTIME


我应该怎么办 ?


2 回答 2


在阅读了您的代码之后,这里不需要抽象类。您应该将 State 转换为接口,例如:IState 并从中删除通用签名。那么你的 FSM 对象中的属性都可以是 public IState globalState 等。

于 2013-03-25T15:19:33.057 回答

如果您将 State 设为普通接口,而不是通用接口,并让其 Enter 方法采用您的球队、守门员、球员等都实现的另一个接口(它甚至可以是空的),它应该可以工作。

public interface IOwner {}

public interface IState
    void Enter(IOwner item);
public class ChaseState : IState
    public void Enter(IOwner pl)
        // ...
public class Player :IOwner { }
public class Something {
    IOwner owner = new Team();
    IState globalState = new ChaseState();
    IState currentState = new DefendState();

    public void Update()
        if (globalState != null)
        else if (currentState != null)
于 2013-03-25T15:35:41.247 回答