我有以下代码,其中一个 WEBrick 实例是分叉的,我想等到 webrick 启动,然后再继续其余代码:
require 'webrick'
pid = fork do
server = WEBrick::HTTPServer.new({:Port => 3333, :BindAddress => "localhost"})
trap("INT") { server.shutdown }
sleep 10 # here is code that take some time to setup
# here I want to wait till the fork is complete or the WEBrick server is started and accepts connections
puts `curl localhost:3333 --max-time 1` # then I can talk to the webrick
Process.kill('INT', pid) # finally the webrick should be killed
那么我怎样才能等到分叉完成,或者甚至更好地等到 WEBrick 准备好接受连接?我找到了一段代码,他们在其中处理一个IO.pipe
和一个读者和一个作家。但这不会等待 webrick 加载。