Here's one. I have a bunch of T4s in one project / solution. This is a framework with support code and T4 templates.
In a different solution, I want to use this framework, but have the support classes / T4s remain in the original solution.
In the new solution I link to the support code and T4s (add existing / link). Now in the new solution I have a T4 which needs to include the linked T4. It has something like this:
<#@ template language="C#" debug="false" hostspecific="true"#> <#@ include file="..\Models\"#> <#@ output extension=".cs"#><# Generate("..\Models\Model1.edmx");
In this case, is in this solution, but is linked to the real in a different solution. WHen I run the T4 I get an error ("Failed to resolve include text"). If I reference the physical location it is fine.
Any ideas?