
  • 公司数据
    • 公司.Data.LinqToSql
  • Company.Entity(业务对象)
  • 公司.BLL

然后我有一些应用程序 - 例如一个 Windows 服务:MyWindowsService。

当我部署它(通过创建一个安装项目)时,它会从上述项目的输出中安装一个 DLL 的负载。

这是我应该使用 ILMerge 的地方吗?创建一个程序集.... Company.dll 例如?



1 回答 1


ILMerge Best Practices问题 有很好的信息说明为什么

当我使用 ILMerge 时,我使用它来构建单个 DLL,以简化部署。

至于How,我定义了一个单独的自定义 VS 项目“Converged.csproj”,如果你愿意的话。在那个 .csproj 文件中,我定义了一个自定义编译目标。它是样板代码,对项目的所有引用程序集执行 ILMerge。


<Target Name="Compile">
  <!-- Outputs="$(IntermediateOutputPath)$(TargetFileName)" -->
  <!-- Outputs="$(TargetPath)" -->
  <Message Text="Performing the Ilmerge." />
  <!-- in this CreateItem stanza, we collect all the DLLs for the referenced projects -->
  <CreateItem Include="@(_ResolvedProjectReferencePaths)">
    <Output TaskParameter="Include" ItemName="AssembliesToMerge" />
  <!-- This weird bit of hieroglyphics is the assemblies to merge, quoted, and separated by spaces -->
  <!-- Example:  "c:\foo\project1\bin\Debug\ProjectOne.dll"   "c:\foo\project2\bin\Debug\ProjectTwo.dll"  -->
  <Message Text="AssembliesToMerge= @(AssembliesToMerge -> '&quot;%(Fullpath)&quot;', ' ')" />
  <!-- Message Text="TargetPath= $(TargetPath)" / -->
  <Message Text="TargetFileName= $(TargetFileName)" />
  <!-- produce the merged assembly - putting the output in the "IntermediateOutputPath" eg obj\Debug. -->
  <!-- it will be copied later by the CopyFilestoOutputDirectory task defined in Microsoft.Common.Targets -->

     Text="ILMerge cannot be found. You need to download and install ILMerge in order to build DotNetZip."
     Condition="!Exists('$(ProgramFiles)\Microsoft\Ilmerge\Ilmerge.exe')" />

  <Exec Command="&quot;$(ProgramFiles)\Microsoft\Ilmerge\Ilmerge.exe&quot;  /t:library  /xmldocs /out:&quot;$(IntermediateOutputPath)$(TargetFileName)&quot;  @(AssembliesToMerge -> '&quot;%(Fullpath)&quot;', ' ') " />

  <!-- for some reason the XML doc file does not get copied automatically from obj\Debug to bin\Debug. -->
  <!-- we do it here explicitly. -->
  <Copy SourceFiles="$(IntermediateOutputPath)$(AssemblyName).XML" DestinationFolder="$(OutDir)" SkipUnchangedFiles="true" OverwriteReadOnlyFiles="$(OverwriteReadOnlyFiles)" />
于 2009-10-14T09:26:41.300 回答