我正在开发一些 API 的 PHP 接口,它可以返回许多(最多一百个)不同的错误代码。当遇到这样的代码时,我的界面应该抛出异常。我的 PHP 有点生疏了,因此我不确定对于当今的 php 程序员来说什么是最合适的选择:
- 每个错误代码都有一个单独的
类? - 或者有一个通用类
并提供 API 错误代码作为参数?
TLDR: 使用包含 API 错误代码的通用 MyApiException 类。
Ralph Schindler 在http://ralphschindler.com/2010/09/15/exception-best-practices-in-php-5-3上写了一篇关于一般主题的好文章
// usage of bracket syntax for brevity
namespace MyCompany\Component {
interface Exception
class MyApiException
extends \RuntimeException
implements Exception
class Component
public static function doSomething()
if ($myApiCall->hasError) {
throw new MyApiException($myApiCall->getMessage(), $myApiCall->getErrorCode);
假设上面的代码,如果要执行 MyCompany\Component\Component::doSomething(),从 doSomething() 方法发出的异常可以被以下任何类型捕获: PHP 的 Exception、SPL 的 RuntimeException 组件的 MyCompany \Component\MyApiException,或组件的 MyCompany\Component\Exception。这为调用者提供了许多机会来捕获由库中给定组件发出的异常,该异常由返回的 API 错误引发。此外,通过分析构成异常的类型,可以为刚刚发生的异常情况赋予更多的语义意义。
It depends on few factors. In my opinion these are the reasons for specific exceptions:
I had a similar issue. When I did it, I divided up all the errors into families (i.e Query, Model, Controller, Form, etc...), then within each error family, I had defined constants for each error code.
Ideally, I wanted to have a unified exception class, but there where certain points where I would have a set of function calls within a try catch block, and it was better to have them divided up into different families so I could do a catch for each error family, that would the appropriately determine what to do next. Yes, I could have had a unified error catcher and a function to determine the family from the error number, but it seemed so less elegant.