所以我有以下javascript代码。基本上它正在创建纸牌游戏“记忆”的在线版本(即,您在网格中有隐藏的图像,您翻转一个并需要找到它的匹配图像)。一切对我来说都很好,除了在我的图像匹配之后。如果它们匹配,我想从图像中删除 onclick 事件,以防止用户再次单击它。但是,我查找并尝试过的所有内容都不适合我。

我的部分要求是“将 firstFlip 和 secondFlip 的 onclick 事件处理程序更改为一个除了返回值 false 之外什么都不做的匿名函数”。这是我用来删除事件的片段(checkTiles() 函数的一部分):

  firstFlip.onclick = function(){return false;};
  secondFlip.onclick = function(){return false;};

这是整个 javascript 代码:

  Filename: tiles.js

   Global Variables
      Used to track the number of tiles currently being turned over

      Used to reference the first tile turned over

      Used to reference the second tile turned over


   addEvent(object, evName, fnName, cap)
      Run the function fnName when the event evName occurs in object.

      Randomly sorts the contents of the arr array.

   setOpacity(object, value)
      Sets the opacity level of object to value

      Sets up the tiles for use in the Concentration game

      Flips a tile showing the image associated with the tile

   checkTiles(tile1, tile2)
      Checks whether the tile1 image source is the same as the
      tile2 image source

      Flips back flipped over tiles and resets the flipCount
      variable to 0.

var flipCount = 0;
var firstFlip = new Image();
var secondFlip = new Image();

addEvent(window,"load", setupTiles, false);

function setupTiles() {
   var tiles = new Array();     // array of tile images
   for  (i = 0;i < document.images.length; i++) {  // go through all images
      image = document.images[i]; 
      if (image.className == "tile" && image.parentNode.tagName == "A") {  // must be of class tile and enclosed in <a></a>
         tiles.push(image);     // add tile to array

   var tileImages = new Array(tiles.length);     // array holding actual tile images
   for(j = 0; j < tileImages.length/2; j++) {
      var picture = new Image();
      picture.src = "tileImage" + j + ".jpg";
      tileImages[j] = picture;
   for(n = tileImages.length/2; n < tileImages.length; n++) {
      picture = new Image();
      picture.src = "tileImage" + (n - tileImages.length/2) + ".jpg";
      tileImages[n] = picture;

   randomSort(tileImages);    // randomly position the images in the array

   for(m = 0; m < tiles.length; m++) { 
      tiles[m].flipped = tileImages[m];      // custom property to reference flipped image
      addEvent(tiles[m], "click", flipTile, false);   // run flipTile whenever image is clicked

   showAll = document.getElementById("showAll");
   showAll.onclick = function() {
      for(h = 0; h < tiles.length; h++) 
         tiles[h].src = tiles[h].flipped.src;

   reload = document.getElementById("reload");
   reload.onclick = function() {

function flipTile() {
   if(flipCount == 0) {
      this.src = this.flipped.src;
      firstFlip = this;
   else if(flipCount == 1) {
      this.src = this.flipped.src;
      secondFlip = this;

function checkTiles() {
   if (firstFlip.src != secondFlip.src) {
      setTimeout(flipBack, 800);
   else {
      flipCount = 0;
      setOpacity(firstFlip, 70);
      setOpacity(secondFlip, 70);
      firstFlip.onclick = function(){return false;};
      secondFlip.onclick = function(){return false;};


function flipBack() {
   firstFlip.src = "tile.jpg";
   secondFlip.src = "tile.jpg";
   flipCount = 0;

function addEvent(object, evName, fnName, cap) {
   if (object.attachEvent)
       object.attachEvent("on" + evName, fnName);
   else if (object.addEventListener)
       object.addEventListener(evName, fnName, cap);

function randomSort(arr) {

   arr.sort(function () {
      return 0.5 - Math.random();


function setOpacity(object, value) {

   // Apply the opacity value for IE and non-IE browsers
   object.style.filter = "alpha(opacity = " + value + ")";
   object.style.opacity = value/100;


1 回答 1


看起来您可以简单地添加一个 removeEvent 方法:

function removeEvent(object, evName, fnName) {
    if (object.detachEvent)
        object.detachEvent("on" + evName, fnName);
    else if (object.removeEventListener)
        object.removeEventListener(evName, fnName);


removeEvent(firstFlip, 'click', flipTile);
于 2013-03-24T21:17:21.020 回答