我有一个包含 2 列用户名和领导者的表
login_user sponsered_id right_left
test1 admin Right
test2 admin Left
test3 test1 Right
test4 test1 Left
test43 test2 Left
test44 test3 Left
function display_children($parent, $level) {
// retrieve all children of $parent
$result = mysql_query('SELECT name, login_user, right_left FROM members_list '.
'WHERE sponsered_id="'.$parent.'";');
while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)) {
// indent and display the title of this child
echo '<tr><td>'.
$row['login_user'].' </td><td> '.$row['right_left'].' </td><td> '.$row['sponsered_id'].
// call this function again to display this
// child's children
display_children($row['login_user'], $level+1);
echo display_children('admin',0);
test1 Right admin
test3 Right test1
test44 Left test3
test4 Right test1
test2 Left admin
test43 Left test2
test1 Right admin
test2 Left admin
test3 Right test1
test4 Left test1
Right test2
test43 Left test2
Right test3
test44 Left test3